
The base MS4W package installs a preconfigured Web Server environment that includes the following components:
- Apache HTTP Server version 2.4.62
- PHP version 8.3.11
- MapServer CGI 8.3.0-dev
- MapScript 8.3.0-dev (PHP, Python, Java, CSharp)
- MapCache 1.15dev (with GDAL support)
- Mapbox Vector Tile output & demo
- Python 3.12.6 embedded
- mod_wsgi Apache module
- pycsw Catalogue server
- TinyOWS 1.2.2 (WFS-Transaction) and demo
- GDAL/OGR 3.10.0dev and commandline utilities
- Includes support for Oracle data (if you have associated client/dlls)
- MrSID support built-in
- MapServer commandline utilities
- Spatialite/OSM commandline utilities
- osm2pgsql commandline utility
- PDAL Point cloud tools
- H264 Apache Streaming Module
- PROJ utilities
- Shapelib utilities
- Shp2tile utility
- Shpdiff utility
- AVCE00 Utilities
- OWTChart 1.2.0
- OGR/PHP extension
- Unix commandline utilities
If your server needs support for a specific version of PHP, Python, Apache, MapServer, GDAL, Oracle, ECW, Microsoft SQL Server, or any of MS4W’s hundreds of libraries, or a specific Windows version, or an entire MS4W package in x64 or 32bit, please contact GatewayGeo
Additional MS4W Packages are available for download (configured for MS4W):
- GeoMoose 3.12.0
- Mapbender 4.0.1
- MapServer CGI Viewer
- MapServer HTML Legends Demo Application
- MapServer Itasca Demo Application
- MapServer OGC Workshop
- Matomo Analytics
- OpenLayers 6.6.1
- p.mapper 4.4.0 (for MS4W version 3.x)
- ZOO-Project WPS Server
Proudly Developed & Maintained by GatewayGeo (c) 2025