Custom Query (29 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#251 add pygeoapi package new Jeff McKenna critical future MS4W - Packages
#320 Additional XSS protection for the usage of SVG files? new Jeff McKenna critical 5.0.1 release MS4W - Apache
#375 add CONNECTION pooling for new Jeff McKenna critical 5.0.1 release MS4W - Base
#379 additional php modules - XSL support in php new Jeff McKenna critical 5.0.1 release MS4W - PHP
#11 Add an istSOS package new Jeff McKenna major future MS4W - Packages
#12 Add a Magnacarto package new Jeff McKenna major future MS4W - Packages
#28 Update setenv.bat for Windows "PowerShell" reopened Jeff McKenna major 5.0.1 release MS4W - Base
#45 Add MongoDB driver to GDAL build new Jeff McKenna major future MS4W - GDAL
#59 Feedback: Setup.exe should allow using local zip or proxy new Jeff McKenna major 5.0.1 release MS4W - Nullsoft Installer
#64 Add LASlib package new Jeff McKenna major future MS4W - Packages
#75 Examine Mapigniter2 as possible admin frontend new Jeff McKenna major future MS4W - Base
#136 Add GDAL profile demo as part of ZOO-Project package new Jeff McKenna major 5.0.1 release MS4W - Packages
#169 Add QGIS Desktop package (with mapfile export plugin) new Jeff McKenna major 5.0.1 release MS4W - Base
#219 add PHP-GEOS bindings new Jeff McKenna major future MS4W - PHP
#247 add NITF, E57 plugins for PDAL new Jeff McKenna major future MS4W - Packages
#248 add -D ENABLE_CDF5=ON for NetCDF builds new Jeff McKenna major future MS4W - Packages
#257 add rasterio package new Jeff McKenna major future MS4W - Python
#258 add GeoPandas package new Jeff McKenna major future MS4W - Python
#307 add LuaJIT to osm2pgsql build new Jeff McKenna major 5.0.1 release MS4W - Tools
#422 Add xdebug module for PHP new Jeff McKenna major 5.0.1 release MS4W - PHP
#431 Add example MS_MAPFILE_PATTERN for any location with .map extension new Jeff McKenna major 5.0.1 release MS4W - Base
#99 Add logos to docs (Apache, PHP,...) new Jeff McKenna enhancement future MS4W - Documentation
#170 Add ogr support for DWG format new Jeff McKenna enhancement 5.0.1 release MS4W - GDAL
#197 Add Nominatim (OSM geocoder) new Jeff McKenna enhancement future MS4W - Packages
#199 Investigate adding OpenDataKit as a package new Jeff McKenna enhancement future MS4W - Packages
#200 add Rotatelogs steps to readme new Jeff McKenna enhancement future MS4W - Apache
#202 add kvwmap as a new package new Jeff McKenna enhancement future MS4W - Packages
#371 Add php imagick module new Jeff McKenna enhancement future MS4W - PHP
#428 Include PHP Sodium (php_sodium.dll) new Jeff McKenna enhancement 5.0.1 release MS4W - PHP
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