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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#23 fixed Error in OGC Workshop mapfile Jeff McKenna Jeff McKenna

Reported by Astrid:

In file C:\ms4w\apps\ms-ogc-workshop\service\ there is a fixed
path to prj on D:. Does not find the epsg-Codes

CONFIG PROJ_LIB "D:\ms4w\proj\nad"

#24 fixed Include test map on homepage Jeff McKenna Jeff McKenna
  • include OpenLayers viewer of local small dataset in base MS4W
  • include WMS/WFS links

From Jukka:

I believe that MapServer should offer an immediate "It works" experience for new users. Could you consider to include some demo data and mapfiles into the standard delivery of MS4W? They could be placed for example into \apps\demo.  Once they are there we could have WMS GetMap links with &FORMAT=image/png and &FORMAT=application/openlayers on a visible place of the html page that opens from http://localhost.  Or the OpenLayers map could even be included on the start page by default.

If you think it is a good idea I can make some first few mapfiles on top of Natural Earth countries. It seems to mean about 5 MB extra as zipped but I do believe that it would be worth it.  I could start with these:

- Hello world WMS - simple but still complete with enough WMS metadata, and naturally debug and ms_errorfile.
- WMS with some styling
- WMS with labels
- WMS with GetFeatureInfo 

I could also write a short document about how to get the first map with shp2img, browser, and with a few GIS program.
#25 fixed Upgrade Apache to 2.4.16 Jeff McKenna Jeff McKenna

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