[[PageOutline]] = Configuring MS4W and !MapCache for use in !OpenLayers 3 = This was spawned by an MS4W user asking how to setup OpenLayers3 for an MS4W !MapCache's WMS service ([http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/ms4w-3-1-4-mapcache-td5267121.html thread]), with the following incorrect Javascript code, which did not write tiles to MS4W's cache directory: {{{ #!js new ol.layer.Tile({ title: 'Chabahar', source: new ol.source.TileWMS({ url: 'http://localhost:100/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=D:/WEB_GIS/code_test/wms/HTML5Application/public_html/chabahar.map&', params: { 'LAYERS': 'chabahar', 'FORMAT': 'image/png', 'TILED': true }, serverType: 'mapserver' }) }) , }}} == Step 1: Initialize !MapCache Module * follow all of the steps in MS4W's [http://ms4w.com/README_INSTALL.html#g-mapcache-apache-module README] to initialize the !MapCache module * confirm that tiles are being generated inside the folder: ''/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/cache/'' == Step 2: Install MS4W's OpenLayers3 Package == * if you haven't installed MS4W's !OpenLayers 3 package (we'll use its sample WMS mapfile), please install it: * save the !OpenLayers zip locally from: http://ms4w.com/download.html#applications-packaged-for-ms4w * extract its contents to the root of your MS4W installation * restart Apache: as Administrator, execute: ''/ms4w/apache-restart.bat'' * on your MS4W homepage, click on the "!MapServer WMS Example" link, in the !OpenLayers section * this example uses a local WMS service, it should display the world countries as below: [[Image(OL-WMS.PNG, 600px, nolink)]] == Step 3: Configure mapcache.xml to use this WMS as a Source == * add the following to your mapcache.xml file (and if necessary change the and paths): {{{ #!xml C:/ms4w/apps/openlayers-3.15.1/examples/map/wms-server.map countries }}} * edit the existing section of mapcache.xml, so that it includes: {{{ #!xml ms4wserver disk GoogleMapsCompatible PNG 5 5 10 3600 }}} * we use the "!GoogleMapsCompatible" grid here, because !OpenLayers assumes EPSG:3875. Read more about the various "Preconfigured Grids" for !MapCache at: http://www.mapserver.org/mapcache/config.html#grid