= Creating a WMS layer, a Polygon layer with Opacity, a Point layer with an inline feature, using SWIG !MapScript = {{{ #!php setsize(400, 300); // set image format $oMap->selectoutputformat("png"); //****** // create new polygon layerObj //****** $oPolyLayer = new layerObj($oMap); $oPolyLayer->__set("name", "prov_bound"); $oPolyLayer->__set("type", MS_LAYER_POLYGON); $oPolyLayer->__set("status", MS_ON); $oPolyLayer->__set("data", "province.shp"); // create new class for poly layer $oClass = new classObj($oPolyLayer); $oClass->__set("name", "Province"); // create new style $oStyle = new styleObj(); // create new colors $oColor = new colorObj(120,120,120); $oOutlineColor = new colorObj(0,0,0); $oStyle->__set("color", $oColor); $oStyle->__set("outlinecolor", $oOutlineColor); $oClass->insertStyle($oStyle); $oPolyLayer->SetProjection("init=EPSG:3978"); // set opacity (actually creates a new COMPOSITE object) $oPolyLayer->setOpacity(40); //****** // create new WMS layer //****** $oWMSLayer = new layerObj($oMap); $oWMSLayer->__set("name", "cities"); $oWMSLayer->__set("type", MS_LAYER_RASTER); $oWMSLayer->__set("status", MS_ON); $oWMSLayer->setConnectionType(MS_WMS, NULL); $oWMSLayer->__set("connection", "https://demo.gatewaygeomatics.com/cgi-bin/wms_gateway?"); $oWMSLayer->setMetaData("wms_name", "popplace"); $oWMSLayer->setMetaData("wms_srs", "EPSG:3978"); $oWMSLayer->setMetaData("wms_server_version", "1.1.1"); $oWMSLayer->setMetaData("wms_format", "image/png"); $oWMSLayer->SetProjection("init=EPSG:3978"); //****** // create new point layerObj //****** $oPointLayer = new layerObj($oMap); $oPointLayer->__set("name", "gg-location"); $oPointLayer->__set("type", MS_LAYER_POINT); $oPointLayer->__set("status", MS_ON); $oPointLayer->__set("units", "DD"); $oPoint = new pointObj(-64.2576966,44.3596731); // create new lineObj (lineObj is composed of one or more pointObj instances) $oline = new lineObj(); $oline->add($oPoint); // create shapeObj for point $oShape = new shapeObj(); $oShape->add($oline); $oPointLayer->addFeature($oShape); // create new class for poly layer $oClass = new classObj($oPointLayer); $oClass->__set("name", "GatewayGeo"); // create new style $oStyle = new styleObj(); // set symbol $oStyle->setSymbolByName($oMap, "star"); $oStyle->__set("size", 10); // create new colors $oColor = new colorObj(255,255,0); $oStyle->__set("color", $oColor); $oClass->insertStyle($oStyle); $oPointLayer->SetProjection("init=EPSG:4326"); // draw map $oImage = $oMap->draw(); // save image file //$file = $oImage->save("C:/ms4w/apps/local-demo/ttt.png",$oMap); // save mapfile to new file //$oMap->save("C:/ms4w/apps/local-demo/output.map"); // set header header("Content-type: image/png"); //send image to stdout, without saving file locally echo $oImage ->getBytes(); ?> }}}