MS4W Release History

(see active ticket list on Trac: )

2024-09-16 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 5.0.0 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (PHP, Python, CSharp, Java) to today’s 8.3.0-dev
    • rebuilt MapServer plugins (Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server)
    • upgraded Apache HTTP Server to 2.4.62 (security release) with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 339)
    • upgraded GDAL to 3.10.0-dev (including Python/Java/CSharp bindings, ECW & Oracle plugins) with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 211)
    • upgraded MapCache to 1.15-dev (git-master-2024-07-30)
    • upgraded PHP to 8.3.11 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 304)
    • upgraded Python to 3.12.6 (trac ticket 331)
    • enhanced (default map on homepage) to serve OGCAPI, WFS, and WMS services
    • added sample OUTPUTFORMATs into new folder /apps/includes/, for formats: GeoJSON, GML, Shapefile(zip), KMZ, SpatiaLite, CSV
    • added links to sample WMS, WFS, OGCAPI Features requests onto the localhost homepage
    • set environment variables GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8, VSI_CACHE, VSI_CACHE_SIZE
    • upgraded libjpeg-turbo support to 3.0.3 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 328)
    • upgraded zlib support to 1.3.1 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • built minizip for zlib with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded libPNG support to 1.6.43 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 385)
    • upgraded Esri LERC compression plugin for GeoTIFF to 4.0.0-dev with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 330)
    • upgraded Zstandard compression support (for TIFF) to 1.5.6 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 313)
    • upgraded libdeflate support to 1.20 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 292)
    • upgraded GIFLIB support to 5.2.2 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 406)
    • upgraded WebP support to 1.4.0 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 359)
    • rebuilt libTIFF support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded ICONV support to 1.17 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded libxml2 support to 2.13.2 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 355)
    • upgraded OpenSSL to 3.3.1 security release with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 310)
    • added http2 support for cURL with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 404)
    • upgraded cURL support to 8.9.0 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 308)
    • upgraded SQLite support to 3.46.0 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 329)
    • upgraded PROJ support to 9.4.1 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 198)
    • upgraded GeoTIFF support to 1.7.3 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 212)
    • upgraded JSON-C support to 0.17 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded Expat support to 2.6.2 Security Release with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 319)
    • upgraded Xerces support to 3.2.5 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 384)
    • upgraded HDF5 support to 1.14.4-3 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 349)
    • upgraded HDF4 support to 4.3.0 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 350)
    • rebuilt NetCDF support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded MrSID support to SDK 9.5.5 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 412)
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 16.3 with SSL enabled with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 352)
    • upgraded LZ4 compression support to 1.10.0 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 387)
    • upgraded Protocol Buffers support to 25.4 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded MySQL support to 9.0.0 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded GEOS support to 3.12.2 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 309)
    • rebuilt FreeXL support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded RT Topology Library support to 1.2.0-dev with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • rebuilt ReadOSM support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded SpatiaLite support to 5.1-dev with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite-tools support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded FITS support to 4.4.1 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 388)
    • upgraded uriparser support to 0.9.8 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 413)
    • upgraded Boost support to 1.86.0 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • rebuilt LibKML support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.13.3 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 396)
    • upgraded Pixman support to 0.43.4 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • rebuilt Cairo support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded Poppler support to 24.08.0 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 138)
    • upgraded KEA support to 1.5.3 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 266)
    • rebuilt OGDI support and commandline utilities with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded Crypto++ support to 8.10-dev with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded QHULL support to 8.1-dev with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded Shapelib support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 392)
    • upgraded PCRE2 support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 400)
    • upgraded SWIG support to 4.2.1
    • upgraded HarfBuzz support to 9.0.0 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 356)
    • added HarfBuzz commandline utilities
    • upgraded FriBidi support to 1.0.15 (trac ticket 357) with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • rebuilt libfcgi with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • rebuilt libSVG support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • rebuilt libSVG-Cairo support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded Protocol Buffers support to 27.2 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded protobuf-c support to 1.6.0-dev with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • rebuilt APR support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • rebuilt APR-util support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • rebuilt APR-iconv support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded Lua support to 5.4.7 with Visual Studio 2022 compiler (trac ticket 399)
    • rebuilt Brotli compression support for Apache with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • rebuilt Jansson compression support for JSON data for Apache with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
    • upgraded APCu to 5.1.23 (for PHP)
    • upgraded to Oracle SDK
    • rebuilt PHP_OGR extension with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • updated the VC Redistributable in /tmp
    • rebuilt BerkeleyDB support with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • updated latest mapcache.xml.sample
    • upgraded to TinyOWS 1.2.2
    • changed to ECW SDK version 5.5
    • upgraded mono C# support to with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • set CURL_CA_BUNDLE and PROJ_DATA in ms4w.conf
    • removed references to the old PROJ_LIB variable
    • upgraded mod_wsgi to 5.0.0
    • upgraded osm2pgsql commandline utility with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded PDAL utilities with Visual Studio 2022 compiler
    • upgraded pycsw to 3.0-dev
2023-10-01 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 5.0.0-rc1 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded Apache HTTP Server to 2.4.57 (security release) with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 339)
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (PHP, Python) to today’s 8.2.0-dev
    • upgraded GDAL to 3.8.0-dev (including Python bindings, ECW plugin) with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 211)
    • upgraded MapCache to 1.15-dev (git-master-2023-10-01)
    • upgraded PHP to 8.2.11 security release (trac ticket 304)
    • upgraded Python to 3.11.5 (trac ticket 331)
    • added Windows PowerShell scripts to setenv, install/restart Apache, install PROJ grid files, etc.
    • upgraded libjpeg-turbo support to 3.0.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 328)
    • upgraded zlib support to 1.2.13 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded libPNG support to 1.6.40 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 385)
    • rebuilt Esri LERC compression plugin for GeoTIFF with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded Zstandard compression support (for TIFF) to 1.5.5 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 313)
    • upgraded libdeflate support to 1.18 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 292)
    • upgraded WebP support to 1.3.2 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 359)
    • upgraded libTIFF support to 4.6.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 327)
    • upgraded SQLite support to 3.43.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 329)
    • upgraded OpenSSL to 3.1.3 security release with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 310)
    • upgraded cURL support to 8.3.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 308)
    • upgraded PROJ support to 9.3.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 198)
    • added new environment variable PROJ_DATA to point to /ms4w/share/proj/ (which replaces the former PROJ_LIB variable)
    • rebuilt GeoTIFF support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • added JSON-C 0.16 support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt ECW support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded Expat support to 2.5.0 Security Release with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 319)
    • upgraded Xerces support to 3.2.4 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 384)
    • upgraded HDF5 support to 1.14.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 349)
    • upgraded HDF4 support to 4.2.16 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 350)
    • upgraded libxml2 support to 2.11.5 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 355)
    • added xmlcatalog.exe and xmllint.exe libxml2 utilities
    • upgraded NetCDF support to 4.9.2 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 284)
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 15.4 with SSL enabled with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 352)
    • upgraded GEOS support to 3.12.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 309)
    • upgraded FreeXL support to 2.0.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 353)
    • rebuilt ReadOSM support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded SpatiaLite support to 5.1-dev with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite-tools support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • added LZ4 compression support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 387)
    • upgraded FITS support to 4.2.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 388)
    • upgraded uriparser support to 0.9.7 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt LibKML support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • added Crypto++ support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 390)
    • added QHULL support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 391)
    • upgraded Shapelib support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 392)
    • upgraded KEA support to 1.5.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 266)
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.13.2 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 396)
    • upgraded Pixman support to 0.42.2 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt Cairo support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded Poppler support to 23.09.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 138)
    • added OGDI support and commandline utilities with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 362)
    • rebuilt HarfBuzz support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded FriBidi support to 1.0.13 (trac ticket 357)
    • switched to leverage PCRE2 support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 400)
    • rebuilt libSVG support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt libSVG-Cairo support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded Protocol Buffers support to 24.3 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded protobuf-c support to 1.4.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded APR support to 1.7.4 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded APR-util library to 1.6.3 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt APR-iconv support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded Lua support to 5.4.6 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 399)
    • added http2 support for Apache with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 395)
    • added Brotli compression support for Apache with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 401)
    • added Jansson compression support for JSON data for Apache with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 402)
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
    • upgraded APCu to 5.1.22 (for PHP)
    • upgraded to Oracle SDK
    • rebuilt PHP_OGR extension
    • set MS_OPENLAYERS_JS_URL through Apache conf
    • updated the VC Redistributable in /tmp
    • upgraded to TinyOWS 1.3-dev
    • updated /ms4w/msplugins/mapscript/python/
    • upgraded mod_wsgi to 4.9.2
    • added missing SpatiaLite commandline tools (trac ticket 403)
2022-08-08 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 5.0.0-beta3 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded GDAL to 3.4.3 (including CSharp/Java/Python bindings, ECW/Oracle plugins) with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 211)
    • updated /ms4w/msplugins/mapscript/python/
    • minor updates to
    • upgraded libjpeg-turbo support to 2.1.2 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 328)
    • upgraded Zstandard compression support (for TIFF) to 1.5.2 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 313)
    • added zstd.exe commandline utility for Zstandard compression with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded libdeflate support to 1.10 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 292)
    • upgraded WebP support to 1.2.2 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 359)
    • rebuilt libTIFF support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded SQLite support to 3.37.2 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 329)
    • added FTS5 (full text search) extension for SQLite with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 366)
    • added sqldiff.exe and sqlite3_analyzer.exe SQLite utilities with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 367)
    • upgraded OpenSSL to 1.1.1m bug fix release with Visual Studio 2019 compiler(trac ticket 310)
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.81.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 308)
    • upgraded PROJ support to 8.2.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 198)
    • upgraded GeoTIFF support to 1.7.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 212)
    • upgraded Expat support to 2.4.6 Security Release with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 319)
    • rebuilt HDF4 support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt NetCDF support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 14.2 with SSL enabled with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 352)
    • upgraded GEOS support to 3.10.2 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 309)
    • rebuilt minizip for zlib with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt FreeXL support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • patched RT Topology Library for security with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 364)
    • rebuilt ReadOSM support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite-tools support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt LibKML support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.11.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt Cairo support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded Poppler support to 22.02.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 138)
    • rebuilt KEA support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded HarfBuzz support to 3.4.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 356)
    • rebuilt libSVG support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt libSVG-Cairo support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded Protocol Buffers support to 3.19.4 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt protobuf-c support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
2021-12-22 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 5.0.0-beta2 created. Notable changes are:
    • modified PROJ_LIB to only point to /ms4w/share/proj/
    • store PROJ grids in /ms4w/share/proj/
2021-12-11 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 5.0.0-beta1 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (PHP, Python, CSharp, Java) to today’s 8.0.0-dev
    • rebuilt MapServer plugins (Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server)
    • removed unnecessary folder /ms4w/apps/phpmapscriptng-swig
    • updated /htdocs/quickmap.php
    • added new required ms4w.conf file into /ms4w root and set MAPSERVER_CONFIG_FILE location in Apache httpd.conf and /ms4w/setenv.bat
    • set default MS_MAP_BAD_PATTERN in Apache’s httpd.conf to prevent directory traversing (trac ticket 333)
    • added new utility ‘map2img’ that replaces the old ‘shp2img’, as of MapServer 8.0 (trac ticket 358)
    • upgraded Apache HTTP Server to 2.4.51 (security release)
    • upgraded PHP to 8.1.0 security release (trac ticket 304) with Visual Studio 2019 compiler(trac ticket 339)
    • upgraded GDAL to 3.4.0 (including CSharp/Java/Python bindings, ECW/Oracle plugins) with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 211)
    • upgraded MapCache to 1.11dev (git-master-2021-10-23)
    • added PostgreSQL as a dimension backend for MapCache with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • include latest mapcache.xml.sample
    • upgraded libjpeg-turbo support to 2.1.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 328)
    • rebuilt zlib support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt libPNG support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • added Esri LERC compression plugin for GeoTIFF (trac ticket 330)
    • upgraded Zstandard compression support (for TIFF) to 1.5.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 313)
    • upgraded libTIFF support to 4.3.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 327)
    • upgraded SQLite support to 3.36.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 329)
    • upgraded OpenSSL to 1.1.1l HIGH level security release with Visual Studio 2019 compiler(trac ticket 310)
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.80.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 308)
    • upgraded PROJ support to 8.2.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 198)
    • added proj-install-grids.bat to optionally download all PROJ grids into /ms4w/share/proj/grids/
    • add PROJ environment variables for handling grids (trac ticket 198)
    • upgraded GeoTIFF support to 1.7.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 212)
    • rebuilt ECW (3.3 SDK) plugin with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded Expat support to 2.4.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 319)
    • rebuilt Xerces support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt Szip support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded HDF5 support to 1.12.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 349)
    • upgraded HDF4 support to 4.2.15 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 350)
    • upgraded NetCDF support to 4.8.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 284)
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 14.0 with SSL enabled with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 352)
    • upgraded GEOS support to 3.10.1 (trac ticket 309)
    • rebuilt ICONV support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded FreeXL support to 2.0.0-RC1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 353)
    • upgraded libxml2 support to 2.9.11 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 355)
    • rebuilt RT Topology Library support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded ReadOSM support to 1.1.0a with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded SpatiaLite support to 5.0.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 278)
    • upgraded SpatiaLite-tools support to 5.0.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded FITS support to 4.0.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt LibKML support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.11.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded Pixman support to 0.40.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt Cairo support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded Boost support to 1.77.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded Poppler support to 21.11.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 138)
    • added KEA 1.4.14 support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 266)
    • added INTERLIS vector format support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded GIFLIB support to 5.2.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded HarfBuzz support to 3.1.2 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 356)
    • upgraded FriBidi support to 1.0.11 (trac ticket 357)
    • upgraded PCRE support to 8.45 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt libfcgi with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt libSVG support with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt libSVG-Cairo support
    • upgraded Protocol Buffers support to 3.19.1 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded protobuf-c support to 1.4.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • added MS4W version output to GDAL utilities “–version” command
    • upgraded Lua support to 5.4.3 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
    • upgraded BerkeleyDB support to 18.1.40 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded bzip2 support to 1.0.8 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded APCu to 5.1.21 (for PHP)
    • upgraded dbase to 7.1.1 (for PHP)
    • upgraded to Oracle SDK
    • updated the VC Redistributable in /tmp
    • added LICENSE_PROJ.txt
    • minor update to TinyOWS demo data scripts
    • added PDF (Poppler) utilities into /tools
    • upgraded PHP_OGR extension for PHP8 and GDAL3 support to 1.6.0 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • added libdeflate 1.8 support and utilities with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 292)
    • added WebP 1.2.1 support and utilities with Visual Studio 2019 compiler (trac ticket 359)
    • added geosop.exe commandline utility for GEOS with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • enabled regex support for SQLite through the PCRE library with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • upgraded to TinyOWS git-main-2021-11-17
    • upgraded Python to 3.10.1 (trac ticket 331)
    • set PYTHONUTF8 environment variable (trac ticket 322)
    • configure use of GDAL Python utility scripts eg. setenv.bat | gdal2tiles -h
    • configure use of Python MapScript
    • added Python MapScript test script: /ms4w/msplugins/mapscript/python/
    • upgraded mod_wsgi to 4.9.0
    • added mod_wsgi test script: /ms4w/msplugins/mapscript/python/
    • upgraded to pycsw-3.0.dev0
    • upgraded osm2pgsql commandline utility to git-master-2021-12-09 with Visual Studio 2019 compiler
    • moved osm2pgsql styles into /ms4w/share/
    • added OGCAPI template files into /ms4w/share/
2020-12-17 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 4.0.5 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (CSharp, Java, Python, PHP) to today’s 7.7.0-dev
    • upgraded PHP to 7.4.13 security release (trac ticket 243)
    • upgraded MapCache to 1.11dev (git-master-20201214)
    • upgraded to TinyOWS git-master-20201216
    • modified TinyOWS config.xml to disable ‘check_schema’ to avoid HTTPS issues
    • added content encoding declaration to TinyOWS demo template
    • upgraded Apache HTTP Server to 2.4.46 (trac ticket 281)
    • upgraded Python to 3.9.1 (trac ticket 245)
    • upgraded pycsw to 2.6.0 (trac ticket 300)
    • re-set pycsw to use Apache mod_wsgi instead of CGI (trac ticket 262)
    • upgraded OpenSSL to 1.1.1i HIGH level security release (trac ticket 296)
    • upgraded SWIG support to git-master-20201215
    • rebuilt GDAL (including CSharp/Java/Python bindings, ECW/Oracle plugins)
    • set PYTHONHOME in setenv.bat for the installer (trac ticket 285)
    • minor updates to
    • change quickmap.php to use
    • added mention of Notepad++ syntax file into README_INSTALL (trac ticket 298)
    • upgraded libjpeg-turbo support to 2.0.6 (trac ticket 294)
    • rebuilt libTIFF support
    • added libTIFF utilities into /tools (trac ticket 297)
    • upgraded SQLite support to 3.34.0 (trac ticket 286)
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.74.0 (trac ticket 279)
    • rebuilt GeoTIFF support
    • changed site link in README-geotiff.txt (trac ticket 283)
    • upgraded Expat support to 2.2.10
    • rebuilt HDF4 support
    • rebuilt NetCDF support
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 13.1 with SSL enabled (trac ticket 291)
    • upgraded GEOS support to 3.9.0 (trac ticket 299)
    • upgraded ICONV support to 1.16 (trac ticket 295)
    • upgraded FreeXL support to 1.0.6
    • rebuilt libxml2 support
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite support
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite-tools
    • upgraded FITS support to 3.490
    • added CFITSIO utilities into /tools
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.10.4
    • rebuilt Cairo support
    • rebuilt Poppler support
    • upgraded Zstandard compression support (for TIFF) to 1.4.7
    • upgraded to Oracle SDK
    • rebuilt HarfBuzz support
    • upgraded FriBidi support to 1.0.10 (trac ticket 215)
    • rebuilt libSVG support
    • rebuilt libSVG-Cairo support
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
    • upgraded APCu to 5.1.19
    • rebuilt PHP_OGR extension
    • rebuilt mod_wsgi
    • upgraded PDAL utilities to git-master-20201217
    • properly enable the laz-perf library for the PDAL build
    • upgraded osm2pgsql commandline utility to git-master-20201216
    • updated the VC Redistributable in /tmp
2020-06-29 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 4.0.4 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (CSharp, Java, Python, PHP) to today’s 7.7.0-dev
    • upgraded PHP to 7.2.31 security release (trac ticket 259)
    • upgraded MapCache to 1.11dev (git-master-20200629)
    • rebuilt GDAL (including CSharp/Java/Python bindings, ECW/Oracle plugins)
    • upgraded Apache HTTP Server to 2.4.43 (trac ticket 269)
    • upgraded SWIG support to git-master-20200629
    • upgraded libjpeg-turbo to git-master-20200628
    • rebuilt libTIFF support
    • upgraded SQLite support to 3.32.3
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.1.1g
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.71.0 (trac ticket 263)
    • rebuilt GeoTIFF support
    • upgraded Xerces support to 3.2.3
    • rebuilt HDF5 support
    • rebuilt HDF4 support
    • rebuilt NetCDF support, to add NC4 and HDF4 support (trac ticket 267)
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 12.3 with SSL enabled
    • upgraded GEOS support to 3.8.1 (trac ticket 264)
    • rebuilt RT Topology Library support
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite support
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite-tools
    • upgraded FITS support to 3.480
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.10.2
    • rebuilt Cairo support
    • rebuilt Poppler support
    • upgraded Python to 3.7.8 (trac ticket 270)
    • upgraded Zstandard compression support to git-master-20200629
    • upgraded to Oracle SDK
    • upgraded HarfBuzz support to 2.6.7
    • rebuilt libSVG support
    • rebuilt libSVG-Cairo support
    • rebuilt PHP_OGR extension
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
    • upgraded mod_wsgi to 4.7.1
    • upgraded PDAL utilities to git-master-20200629
    • added steps for using pip, to the Python section of README_INSTALL (trac ticket 254)
2020-01-30 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 4.0.3 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (CSharp, Java, Python, PHP) to today’s 7.6.0-dev
    • upgraded GDAL to 2.4.4 (trac ticket 249)
    • upgraded PHP to 7.2.27 security release (trac ticket 252)
    • upgraded MapCache to git-master-20200127
    • include latest mapcache.xml.sample
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.68.0 (security release)
    • enhanced (default map on homepage) to allow GeoJSON output
    • rebuilt HDF5 support (to include the HDF5_HL library)
    • rebuilt HDF4 support
    • rebuilt NetCDF support, to include HDF4 + HDF5 and set chunk-cache-size (trac ticket 250)
    • rebuilt PHP_OGR extension
    • upgraded PDAL utilities to git-master-20200128
    • added PDAL_DRIVER_PATH to setenv.bat (trac ticket 246)
    • upgraded osm2pgsql commandline utility to git-master-20200127
    • upgraded pycsw to 2.4.2 (trac ticket 253)
    • upgraded Matomo to 3.13.1 (trac ticket 203)
    • rebuilt ZOO-Project kernel, base-vector-ops, and GDAL services (contour, dem, grid, profile, translate, warp)
    • added ZOO-Project OGR services demo (trac ticket 229)
2019-12-19 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 4.0.2 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (CSharp, Java, Python, PHP) to today’s 7.6.0-dev (fixes msIO_getStdoutBufferBytes() and imageObj getBytes() issues in SWIG MapScript)
    • upgraded PHP to 7.2.26 security release (trac ticket 244)
    • upgraded GDAL to 2.4.3 (trac ticket 236)
    • upgraded Python to 3.7.5
    • upgraded MapCache to git-master-20191217
    • upgraded to Oracle SDK
    • upgraded APCu to 5.1.18
    • rebuilt PHP_OGR extension
    • upgraded SWIG support to git-master-20191206 (trac ticket 209)
    • upgraded libjpeg-turbo to git-master-20191012
    • upgraded libTIFF support to 4.1.0 (trac ticket 237)
    • rebuilt GeoTIFF support
    • upgraded Expat support to 2.2.9
    • upgraded Xerces support to 3.2.2
    • rebuilt HDF4 support
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.1.1d
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 12.1 with SSL enabled
    • upgraded GEOS support to 3.8.0 (trac ticket 239)
    • upgraded SQLite support to 3.30.1
    • upgraded RT Topology Library support to 1.1.0
    • added Zstandard compression library git-master-20191211 support (trac ticket 201)
    • rebuilt ReadOSM support
    • added RTTOPO (RT Topology) support to SpatiaLite (trac ticket 108)
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite-tools
    • upgraded FITS support to 3.470
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.67.0
    • upgraded NetCDF support to 4.7.3 + added commandline utilities (trac ticket 238)
    • rebuilt LibKML support
    • rebuilt Poppler support
    • upgraded HarfBuzz support to 2.6.4
    • rebuilt Apache HTTP Server
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
    • upgraded PHP_OGR extension to 1.5.1
    • upgraded osm2pgsql commandline utility to git-master-20191217
    • added PDAL commandline utilities (trac ticket 30)
    • upgraded mod_wsgi to 4.6.8
    • updated pycsw package to 2.4.1 release (trac ticket 217)
    • move GDAL Python bindings to /Python/Lib/site-packages/ (trac ticket 231)
    • regenerated GDAL Python bindings, to include missing gdal_array module (trac ticket 235)
2019-08-25 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 4.0.1 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (CSharp, Java, Python, PHP) to today’s 7.6.0-dev (also due to potential XSS vulnerability)
    • disabled Pixman support in MapServer build, as it prevents Opacity (trac ticket 218)
    • upgraded PHP to 7.2.21 (trac ticket 213)
    • upgraded GDAL to 2.4.2 (trac ticket 195)
    • upgraded Apache HTTP Server to 2.4.41 (trac ticket 206)
    • upgraded MapCache to today’s 1.9dev (trac ticket 222)
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.1.1c (trac ticket 191)
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.65.1
    • upgraded NetCDF support to 4.7.0 (trac ticket 193)
    • upgraded GEOS support to 3.7.2 trac ticket 214)
    • rebuilt RT Topology Library
    • upgraded libxml2 support to 2.9.9
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.10.1
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 11.4 with SSL enabled (ticket 196)
    • upgraded HDF5 support to 1.10.5
    • upgraded SQLite support to 3.28.0
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite support
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite-tools
    • upgraded libPNG support to 1.6.37 (trac ticket 221) due to potential vulnerability
    • upgraded Pixman support to 0.38.4
    • upgraded Cairo support to 1.16.0
    • rebuilt Poppler support
    • upgraded HarfBuzz support to 2.5.3
    • rebuilt libSVG support
    • rebuilt libSVG-Cairo support
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
    • upgraded osm2pgsql commandline utility to today’s git master
    • rebuilt PHP_OGR extension
    • upgraded Shapelib support to 1.5.0 (trac ticket 192)
    • rebuilt shp2tile utility
    • set “sys_temp_dir” in php.ini (trac ticket 204)
    • upgraded APR support to 1.7.0
    • added /Python/Scripts/ to PATH in setenv.bat (trac ticket 225)
    • copied GDAL’s python module into /Apache/cgi-bin/ (trac ticket 223)
2019-03-12 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 4.0.0 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 7.2.16 (trac ticket 194)
    • re-add PHP_OGR extension (trac ticket 190)
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (CSharp, Java, Python, PHP) to today’s 7.4.0-dev
    • upgraded MapCache to today’s 1.7dev
    • handle null MapCache CURL_CA_BUNDLE environment variable occurring on some systems (trac ticket 189)
    • include latest mapcache.xml.sample
    • added SSL_CERT_FILE path to setenv.bat
    • set certificates bundle path in php.ini (trac ticket 171)
    • set OPENSSL_CONF path in httpd.conf
    • added osm2pgsql commandline utility, with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 48)
    • clean unused files from the TinyOWS demo (trac ticket 183)
2019-03-12 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.3.1 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapCache to today’s 1.7dev
    • handle null MapCache CURL_CA_BUNDLE environment variable occurring on some systems (trac ticket 189)
    • include latest mapcache.xml.sample
    • added SSL_CERT_FILE path to setenv.bat
    • set certificates bundle path in php.ini (trac ticket 171)
    • set OPENSSL_CONF path in httpd.conf

    This will mark the last official release of the MS4W 3.x series. Security fixes to PHP 5.6.x have ended. All MS4W users are strongly recommended to begin moving to MS4W version 4. Please note that after 1 September 2019, MS4W 3.3.x will be removed from the main download page.

2019-02-11 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 4.0.0-beta2 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 7.2.15 (trac ticket 184)
    • upgraded APCu to 5.1.17
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (CSharp, Java, Python, PHP) to today’s 7.4.0-dev
    • moved MapScript plugins into /ms4w/msplugins
    • moved into /ms4w/msplugins/mapscript/python
    • use relative paths for MapCache and mod_wsgi Apache modules (trac ticket 185)
    • use relative paths for ZOO-Project’s main.cfg
2019-02-04 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 4.0.0-beta1 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (CSharp, Java, Python, PHP) to 7.4.0-dev with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded PHP to 7.2.14 (trac ticket 67)
    • added Python 3.7.0 into base installation, with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 65)
    • added Mapbox Vector Tile (MVT) output for MapServer with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 166)
    • added MVT demo, credit to Steve Lime
    • upgraded GDAL to 2.4.0 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 164)
    • upgraded Apache HTTP Server to 2.4.38 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 177)
    • added mod_wsgi 4.6.5 for Apache HTTP Server with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt MapCache with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • moved MapServer plugins (MSSQL, Oracle) into /ms4w/msplugins/
    • upgraded libjpeg-turbo to git-20180802 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt zlib support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded libPNG support to 1.6.35 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded libTIFF support to git-20180817 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded PROJ support to 5.2.0 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 172)
    • upgraded GeoTIFF support to 1.4.3 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 180)
    • rebuilt ECW (3.3 SDK) plugin with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded Expat support to 2.2.6 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded Xerces support to 3.2.1 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded Szip support to 2.1.1 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded HDF5 support to 1.10.2 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded HDF4 support to 4.2.14 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded MrSID support to SDK 9.5.4 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 104)
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 10.5 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded MySQL support to 6.1.11 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded GEOS support to 3.7.1 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 173)
    • upgraded SQLite support to 3.24.0 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded ICONV support to 1.15 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded FreeXL support to 1.0.5 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded libxml2 support to 2.9.8 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • added RT Topology Library 1.1.0-RC1 support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 108)
    • rebuilt ReadOSM support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded SpatiaLite support to 5.0.0-beta0 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite-tools with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded FITS support to 3.450 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.0.2q with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 178)
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.63.0 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded NetCDF support to 4.6.2 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded LibKML support to git-20180824 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.9.1 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt Pixman support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded Cairo support to 1.14.12 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt Poppler support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded Python support to 3.7.0 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded SWIG support to 3.0.12 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt Java, CSharp, Python GDAL bindings with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt ECW (3.3 SDK), Oracle GDAL plugins with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt GIFLIB support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded HarfBuzz support to 1.9.0 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt FriBidi support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded PCRE support to 8.42 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt libfcgi with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt uriparser with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt libSVG support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt libSVG-Cairo support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded APR support to 1.6.5 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt APR-util support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt APR-iconv support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • upgraded BerkeleyDB support to 18.1.25 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt TinyOWS with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • added Protocol Buffers 3.6.1 support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 166)
    • added protobuf-c 1.3.1 support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler (trac ticket 166)
    • rebuilt Shapelib support with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • rebuilt shp2tile utility with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • set certificates bundle path in php.ini (trac ticket 171)
    • added Pixman support for MapServer build, to enhance layer compositing (trac ticket 174)
    • added libxslt support for ZOO-Project build, with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • added pthread support for ZOO-Project build, with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • added CGIC support for ZOO-Project build, with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • added JSON-C support for ZOO-Project build, with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
    • added mono C# support for ZOO-Project build, with Visual Studio 2017 compiler
2019-01-23 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.3.0 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded Apache to 2.4.38 (trac ticket 177)
    • rebuilt MapServer and MapScript (PHP, CSharp, Java, Python)
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid
    • rebuilt MapCache
2019-01-11 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.2.9 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 5.6.40 (trac ticket 181)
    • rebuilt MapServer and MapScript (PHP, CSharp, Java, Python)
2018-12-12 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.2.8 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded Apache to 2.4.37 (trac ticket 177)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.6.39 (trac ticket 179)
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.0.2q (trac ticket 178)
    • rebuilt cURL support
    • rebuilt NetCDF support
    • rebuilt GDAL
    • rebuilt MapServer and MapScript (PHP, CSharp, Java, Python)
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid
    • rebuilt MapCache
2018-05-03 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.2.7 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PROJ support to 5.1.0-dev (trac ticket 165)
    • rebuilt GeoTIFF support
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite support
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite-tools
    • rebuilt GDAL
    • rebuilt MapServer and MapScript (PHP, CSharp, Java, Python)
    • rebuilt MapCache
2018-05-01 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.2.6 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded GDAL to 2.2.4 (trac ticket 160)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.6.36 (trac ticket 161)
    • upgraded Apache to 2.4.33 (trac ticket 159)
    • upgraded PROJ support to 5.0.1 (trac ticket 154)
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.0.2o (trac ticket 158)
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.59.0
    • rebuilt MapServer and MapScript (PHP, CSharp, Java, Python)
    • rebuilt MapCache
    • rebuilt NetCDF support
    • rebuilt GeoTIFF support
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite support
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite-tools
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
    • moved deplister.exe into /tools/php
2018-03-02 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.2.5 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 5.6.34 (trac ticket 155)
    • add missing PROJ datum grid files (trac ticket 156)
2018-02-16 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.2.4 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 5.6.33 (trac ticket 145)
    • upgraded licensing to year 2018 (trac ticket 153)
    • add missing bison.simple file to packaged UnixUtils (trac ticket 129)
2017-11-23 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.2.3 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded to MapServer 7.0.7 and GDAL-2.2.3 because of libjpeg-turbo 1.5.2 support error (trac ticket 132)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.6.32 (trac ticket 145)
    • upgraded to MapCache 1.6.1 (trac ticket 117)
    • upgraded Apache to 2.4.29 (trac ticket 140)
    • downgraded zlib support to 1.2.7 (trac ticket 127)
    • upgraded libPNG support to 1.6.32 (trac ticket 127)
    • change to use internal libTIFF and GeoTIFF formats for GDAL (trac ticket 130)
    • added JPEG commandline utilities
    • added GeoTIFF commandline utilities
    • rebuilt HDF5 support
    • rebuilt HDF4 support
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 10.0
    • upgraded GEOS support to 3.6.2
    • upgraded FreeXL support to 1.0.4 (trac ticket 123)
    • upgraded libxml2 support to 2.9.6
    • rebuilt ReadOSM support
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite support
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite-tools
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.56.0
    • rebuilt NetCDF support
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.8.1
    • rebuilt Cairo support
    • rebuilt Poppler support
    • added CSharp GDAL bindings into folder /ms4w/gdalbindings/csharp
    • upgraded HarfBuzz support to 1.6.0
    • rebuilt libSVG support
    • rebuilt libSVG-Cairo support
    • upgraded Shapelib support to 1.4.1 (trac ticket 134)
    • rebuilt shp2tile utility
    • upgraded APR library to 1.6.3
    • upgraded APR-util library to 1.6.1
    • upgraded APR-iconv library to 1.2.2
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
    • rebuilt TinyOWS
    • added note about C++ Redistributable in the README (trac ticket 131)
    • added w+ (write-only) explanation to formats section of README (trac ticket 139)
    • updated link to issue tracker to (trac ticket 141)
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.0.2m (trac ticket 147)
    • upgraded libTIFF support to 4.0.9 (trac ticket 149)
2017-07-13 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.2.2 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (CSharp, Java, Python, PHP) to 7.0.6
    • upgraded GDAL to 2.2.1 (trac ticket 111)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.6.31 (trac ticket 122)
    • upgraded Apache to 2.4.27 (trac ticket 119)
    • enabled OPcache PHP extension for Mapbender performance (trac ticket 63)
    • built MapServer with support for Z geometry values (trac ticket 120)
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
    • rebuilt MapCache
    • rebuilt TinyOWS
    • changed JPEG library to libjpeg-turbo (trac ticket 121)
    • upgraded libPNG support to 1.6.29
    • upgraded libTIFF support to 4.0.8 (trac ticket 114)
    • upgraded GeoTIFF support to SVN-trunk-20170623
    • rebuilt HDF4 support
    • upgraded HDF5 support to 1.10.1
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 9.6.3
    • upgraded MySQL support to 5.7.18
    • upgraded SQLite support to 3.19.3 (trac ticket 107)
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite support
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.0.2l (trac ticket 116)
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.54.1
    • added curl.exe utility into /tools
    • rebuilt NetCDF support
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.8
    • upgraded Cairo support to 1.14.10
    • rebuilt Poppler support
    • upgraded to Esri File Geodatabase 1.5 API support (trac ticket 109)
    • upgraded to Oracle SDK
    • upgraded PCRE support to 8.40
    • upgraded HarfBuzz support to 1.4.6
    • rebuilt libSVG support
    • rebuilt libSVG-Cairo support
    • upgraded Shapelib support to 1.4.0 (trac ticket 72)
    • rebuilt shp2tile utility
    • renamed Apache access and error log files
2017-02-15 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.2.1 created. Notable changes are:
    • fixed SVG symbols display in MapServer (trac ticket 3)
    • modified setup.exe installer to check for VC Redistributable, and install if necessary
    • rebuilt ApacheMonitor.exe (trac ticket 106)
    • fixed MapCache loading issue, by using branch-1-4 (trac ticket 105)
    • fixed spelling mistake in README_INSTALL (trac ticket 103)
2017-02-01 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.2.0 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 5.6.30 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript (CSharp, Java, Python, PHP) to 7.0.4 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt MapServer plugins for Oracle & Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded GDAL to 2.1.3 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler (trac ticket 69)
    • added Oracle, Java, CSharp, ECW (3.3 SDK) GDAL plugins with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • moved all GDAL plugins into /gdalplugins/
    • upgraded Apache to 2.4.25 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • updated cURL certificates bundle
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded BerkeleyDB support to 6.2.23 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded MapCache to 1.5-dev with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded TinyOWS to 1.2-dev with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt JPEG support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt zlib support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded libPNG support to 1.6.27 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded libTIFF support to 4.0.7 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded PROJ.4 support to 4.9.3 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded GeoTIFF support to SVN-trunk-20170106 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt ECW (3.3 SDK) plugin with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded Expat support to 2.2.0 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded Xerces support to 3.1.4 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt Szip support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded HDF5 support to 1.10.0-patch1 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded HDF4 support to 4.2.12 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt MrSID support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 9.6.1 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded MySQL support to 5.7.17 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded GEOS support to 3.6.0 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded SQLite support to 3.16.2 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt ICONV support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt FreeXL support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded libxml2 support to 2.9.4 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt ReadOSM support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt SpatiaLite-tools support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • added README for SpatiaLite-tools
    • upgraded FITS support to 3.410 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.0.2k with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.52.1 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt NetCDF support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded Python support to 2.7.13 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded LibKML support to git-20170118 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.7.1 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt Pixman support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded Cairo support to 1.14.8 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded Poppler support to 0.51.0 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt FriBidi support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • rebuilt FastCGI support with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded GIFLIB support to 5.1.2 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded PCRE support to 8.39 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • upgraded HarfBuzz support to 1.3.4 with Visual Studio 2012 compiler
    • removed Esri File Geodatabase driver (use OpenFileGDB driver instead)
2016-06-27 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 4.0.0-alpha3 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 7.0.8 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler (trac ticket 5)
    • built additional PHP extensions with Visual Studio 2015 compiler: pdo_mysql (trac ticket 52), pdo_oci, oci8, bzip2
    • rebuilt all GDAL plugins and bindings
    • moved CSharp, Java, Python bindings into folder /ms4w/gdalbindings/
    • updated script /gdalbindings/python/ for Python 3
    • PHPMapScript will not work in this version, needs dev work + funding
    • see
2016-06-20 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 4.0.0-alpha2 created. Notable changes are:
    • rebuilt MapServer 7.1-dev with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt Apache with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded MapCache to 1.5-dev with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt mod_fcgid with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.0.2h with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.49.1 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded BerkeleyDB support to 6.2.23 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • still need to rebuild PHP 7 (& its extensions), therefore PHP & MapScript will not work in this version
2016-05-06 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.1.4 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded GDAL to 2.1.0 (trac ticket 50)
    • upgraded Apache to 2.4.20 (trac ticket 55)
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.0.2h (trac ticket 57)
    • upgraded CURL support to 7.48.0
2016-04-21 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 4.0.0-alpha1 created. Notable changes are:
    • rebuilt JPEG support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt zlib support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt libPNG support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt libTIFF support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt PROJ.4 support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded GeoTIFF support to SVN-trunk-03282016 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded Expat support to 2.1.1 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded Xerces support to 3.1.3 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt Szip support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded MrSID support to SDK 9.5.1 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 9.5.2 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded MySQL support to 5.7.11 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded GEOS support to SVN-trunk-0404016 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded SQLite support to 3.12.0 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded ICONV support to 1.14 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded FreeXL support to 1.0.2 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt libxml2 support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded Python support to 3.5.1 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded MySQL support to 5.7.12 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded SpatiaLite support to 4.4.0-RC0 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt ReadOSM support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded SpatiaLite-tools support to 4.4.0-RC0 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded FITS support to 3.380 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt OpenSSL support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded cURL support to 7.48.0 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt NetCDF support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded LibKML support to git-04182016 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.6.3 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded Pixman support to 0.34.0 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt Cairo support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt Poppler support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded SWIG support to 3.0.8 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt Python, Oracle GDAL plugins with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • added Java, CSharp, ECW (3.3 SDK) GDAL plugins with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • moved all GDAL plugins into /gdalplugins/
    • added HDF5 1.8.16 support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • added HDF4 4.2.11 support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded GDAL support to 2.1.0-dev with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded PCRE support to 8.38 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt FriBidi support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded HarfBuzz support to 1.2.6 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • upgraded GIFLIB support to 5.1.2 with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • rebuilt FastCGI support with Visual Studio 2015 compiler
    • still need to rebuild MapServer (& its libraries), Apache (& its modules), PHP (& its extensions), …
    • therefore MapServer, Apache, PHP will not work in this version
2016-03-03 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.1.3 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 7.0.1 (trac ticket 47)
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.0.2g (trac ticket 46)
    • upgraded CURL support to 7.47.1
    • added sample MapServer fonts and symbolset into /apps/etc/ (trac ticket 49)
    • upgraded to MapCache 1.4.1 (trac ticket 39)
2016-01-30 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.1.2 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 7.0.1-dev
    • upgraded GDAL to 2.0.2 (trac ticket 36)
    • upgraded Apache to 2.4.18 (trac ticket 35)
    • disabled “expose_php” in php.ini (trac ticket 33)
    • upgraded the CA bundle file in /Apache/conf/ca-bundle/
    • upgraded JPEG support to 9b
    • upgraded libPNG support to 1.6.21
    • upgraded libTIFF support to CVS-head-01262016
    • upgraded GeoTIFF support to SVN-trunk-01252016
    • upgraded PROJ.4 support to 4.9.2 (trac ticket 17)
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support to 9.5.0
    • upgraded GEOS support to SVN-trunk-01272016
    • upgraded libxml2 support to 2.9.3
    • upgraded FreeType support to 2.6.2
    • upgraded Pixman support to 0.32.8
    • upgraded Cairo support to 1.14.6
    • upgraded Poppler support to 0.39.0
    • upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.0.2f (trac ticket 37)
    • upgraded CURL support to 7.47.0
    • upgraded NetCDF support to 4.4.0
    • upgraded HarfBuzz support to 1.1.3
    • disabled PATH setting in Apache, regarding issue with Oracle connections (trac ticket 26)
2015-12-18 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.1.1 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded GDAL to 2.0.1 (trac ticket 18)
    • upgraded to Python 2.7.11 support
    • upgraded GDAL bindings for Python 2.7.11
    • added local GDAL/OGR html format pages
    • upgraded Apache to 2.4.17 (trac ticket 25)
    • upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2e
    • added openssl.exe utility
    • upgraded to CURL 7.46.0
    • upgraded the CA bundle file in /Apache/conf/ca-bundle/
    • added missing php_oci8 dlls (trac ticket 26)
2015-09-10 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.1.0 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 5.4.45 security release (trac ticket 16)
    • compiled PHP additionally with fileinfo, intl, apcu (trac ticket 6)
    • enabled Apache mod_rewrite module (trac ticket 6)
    • configured Apache settings for AcceptFilter, EnableSendfile, EnableMMAP (trac ticket 14)
2015-08-07 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.1.0-beta4 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 7.0.0
    • upgraded GDAL to 2.0.0
    • upgraded Apache to 2.4.12
    • upgraded PHP to 5.4.44
    • added H264 Streaming Module for Apache
    • upgraded the CA bundle file in /Apache/conf/ca-bundle/
    • upgraded to libPNG 1.6.17
    • upgraded to libTIFF-CVS-master-06162015
    • upgraded to GeoTIFF-SVN-trunk-06162015
    • upgraded to PROJ.4-git-master-06162015
    • upgraded to Xerces 3.1.2
    • upgraded to HDF5 1.8.15-patch1
    • upgraded to PostgreSQL 9.4.4
    • upgraded to MySQL 5.5.44
    • upgraded to GEOS-SVN-trunk-06182015
    • upgraded to sqlite
    • added FreeXL 1.0.1
    • upgraded to libxml2 2.9.2
    • upgraded to libspatialite 4.3.0-RC1
    • added ReadOSM 1.0.0e
    • added SpatiaLite-tools 4.3.0-RC1
    • added spatialite tools to setenv.bat
    • upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2c
    • upgraded to CURL 7.43.0
    • upgraded NetCDF to
    • upgraded to FreeType 2.6
    • upgraded to Pixman 0.32.6
    • upgraded to Cairo 1.14.2
    • upgraded to Poppler 0.33.0
    • added HarfBuzz 0.9.41
    • added libSVG 0.1.4
    • added libSVG-Cairo 0.1.6
    • upgraded to PCRE 8.37
    • upgraded to shapelib 1.3.0
    • added Unix commandline tools
    • upgraded to Oracle SDK
    • upgraded to TinyOWS 1.1.1 & added demo
    • upgraded to BerkeleyDB 6.1.26
    • upgraded to MapCache 1.4.0
2014-07-11 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.1.0-beta3 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.11.0
    • upgraded to jpeg 9a support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to libPNG 1.6.12 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to MrSID SDK 9.1 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to PostgreSQL 9.3.4 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1h support for GDAL
    • upgraded to CURL 7.37.0 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to FreeType 2.5.3 support for MapServer
    • upgraded to libKML git-07112014 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to Poppler 0.26.2 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to Esri File Geodatabase 1.3 API support for GDAL
    • upgraded the CA bundle file in /Apache/conf/ca-bundle/
    • upgraded mod_fcgid to 2.3.9
2014-01-15 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.1.0-beta2 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 6.4.1
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.10.1
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.26
    • upgraded PHP to 5.4.24
    • upgraded the CA bundle file in /Apache/conf/ca-bundle/
    • upgraded to libPNG 1.6.8 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to PostgreSQL 9.3.2 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1f support for GDAL
    • upgraded to CURL 7.34.0 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to GEOS 3.4.2 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to FreeType 2.5.2 support for MapServer
    • upgraded to Poppler 0.24.5 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to Cairo 1.12.16 support for MapServer
    • upgraded to libxml2 2.9.1 support for MapServer
    • upgraded to MrSID SDK 9.0 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to Oracle SDK for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to zlib 1.2.8 support for GDAL and MapServer
2013-04-20 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.1.0-beta1 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 6.2.1
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.10.0-rc4
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.24
    • upgraded PHP to 5.4.14
    • upgraded the CA bundle file in /Apache/conf/ca-bundle/
    • upgraded to jpeg 9 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to libPNG 1.6.1 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to libTIFF 4.0.3 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to HDF5 1.8.10-patch1 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to PostgreSQL 9.2.4 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1e support for GDAL
    • upgraded to CURL 7.30.0 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to GEOS 3.3.8 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to FreeType 2.4.11 support for MapServer
    • upgraded to Poppler 0.22.3 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to Cairo 1.12.14 support for MapServer
    • upgraded to libxml2 2.9.0 support for MapServer
    • upgraded to MapCache (Apache module and seeder) as of Mar 21, 2013 build
    • added commandline utilities dbsql, sqlite3
    • add tinyows.exe into /cgi-bin/ (as of Apr 20, 2013 build)
2012-05-26 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0.6 created. Notable changes are:
    • rebuilt cairo, hdf5, libxml2 due to reliance on old zlib version (ticket 2394)
2012-05-25 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0.5 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 6.0.3 (ticket 2393)
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.9.1 (ticket 2387)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.4.3 (ticket 2368)
    • security:
      • moved php.exe from the cgi-bin to the /tools directory
      • moved /Apache/htdocs/phpinfo.php to /tmp
      • thank you to Mike Arnold
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.22, with OpenSSL 0.9.8t (ticket 2392)
    • upgraded mod_fcgid to 2.3.7
    • upgraded the CA bundle file in /Apache/conf/ca-bundle/
    • upgraded to jpeg 8d support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to zlib 1.2.7 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to libPNG 1.5.10 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to libTIFF 4.0.1 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to GeoTIFF 1.4.0 support for GDAL (ticket 2391)
    • upgraded to expat 2.1.0 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to MrSID SDK 8.5 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to PostgreSQL 9.1.3 support for GDAL
    • upgraded PROJ.4 to 4.8.0 (ticket 2366)
    • upgraded to Oracle SDK for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to Esri File Geodatabase 1.2 API support for GDAL
    • upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1c support for GDAL
    • upgraded to CURL 7.25.0 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to GEOS 3.3.3 support for GDAL and MapServer (ticket 2377)
    • upgraded to libKML svn-05242012 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to FreeType 2.4.9 support for MapServer
    • replaced GNU RegEx library with PCRE library (ticket 2365)
    • upgraded to libxml2 2.7.8 support for MapServer
2012-02-13 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0.4 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 5.3.10 (ticket 2362)
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 6.0.2 release (ticket 2364)
2012-01-22 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0.4-beta1 created. Notable changes are:
    • added MapCache module to Apache (ticket 2306)
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.9.0 (ticket 2356)
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.21, with OpenSSL 0.9.8r (ticket 2349)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.3.9 (ticket 2343)
    • rebuilt PHP with LDAP support (ticket 2353)
    • added Apache and PHP licenses to MS4W Component Licensing (ticket 2310)
    • added Esri File Geodatabase support for GDAL (ticket 2338)
    • upgraded to GEOS 3.3.2 support for GDAL and MapServer (ticket 2357)
    • upgraded to libPNG 1.5.7 support for GDAL and MapServer (ticket 2287)
    • upgraded to libTIFF 4.0.0 support for GDAL (ticket 2358)
    • upgraded to GeoTIFF 1.3.1-dev support for GDAL
    • upgraded to PostgreSQL 9.1.2 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to FreeType 2.4.8 support for MapServer
    • upgraded to Oracle SDK for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to Poppler 0.20.0 support for GDAL
2011-07-12 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0.3 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 6.0.1 security release (ticket 2336)
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.8.1RC2 (ticket 2337)
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.19, with OpenSSL 0.9.8r (ticket 2325)
    • added libpoppler library to GDAL build to read geospatial PDF documents (ticket 2308)
    • added Cairo library for PDF and SVG output in MapServer
    • added giflib library to MapServer build
    • added missing Python scripts into /python/gdal/ (ticket 2317)
    • removed extra SetEnv PATH from Apache’s httpd.conf (ticket 2312)
    • added VERSION.txt document to MS4W root (ticket 2309)
2011-04-08 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0.2 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 5.3.6 (ticket 2299)
    • added missing CURL_CA_BUNDLE to Apache (ticket 2305)
    • added libKML support for GDAL (ticket 2294)
2011-01-27 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0.1 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 5.6.6 release (ticket 2286)
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.8.0 (ticket 2289)
    • upgraded to MrSID SDK 8.0 support for GDAL (ticket 2291)
2011-01-11 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 5.6.5 release (ticket 2246)
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.7.3 (ticket 2280)
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.17 (ticket 2279)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.3.5 (ticket 2278)
    • rebuilt PHP with exif support (ticket 2261)
    • upgraded mod_fcgid to 2.3.6 (ticket 2281)
    • fixed GIF symbol rendering problem based on size (ticket 2094)
    • upgraded to PostgreSQL 9.0.2 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to jpeg 8b support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to zlib 1.2.5 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to GeoTIFF 1.3.1-dev support for GDAL
    • upgraded to Xerces 3.1.1 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to HDF5 5.1.8 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0c support for GDAL
    • upgraded to CURL 7.21.3 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to FreeType 2.4.4 support for MapServer
    • upgraded to Iconv 1.11.1 support for MapServer
    • upgraded to libxml2 2.7.7 support for MapServer
    • added shptreetst utility (ticket 2253)
2010-04-20 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0-beta11 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.15 (ticket 2178)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.3.2 (ticket 2174)
    • rebuilt PHP with PDO ODBC and PGSQL support (ticket 2168)
    • rebuilt PHP with MCrypt support (ticket 2177)
    • upgraded mod_fcgid to 2.3.5
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.7.1 (ticket 2179)
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 5.6.3 release (ticket 2170)
    • upgraded PROJ.4 to 4.7.0 (ticket 2106)
    • upgraded GEOS to 3.2.2 (ticket 2132)
    • added spatialite support to GDAL build (ticket 2167)
    • added GDAL’s testepsg utility (ticket 2122)
    • added msTileCache utilities (ticket 2158)
    • added custom EPSG codes note to README_INSTALL (ticket 2182)
    • added missing GeoTIFF csv files into /ms4w/gdaldata/ (ticket 2100)
2010-01-27 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0-beta10 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.7.0 (ticket 2126)
    • add soap extension to PHP (ticket 2154)
    • add missing CSharp MapScript files (ticket 2155)
    • add missing cgi-bin dlls (ticket 2156)
2010-01-26 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0-beta9 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.14 (ticket 2151)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.3.1 (ticket 2123)
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 5.6.1 release (ticket 2152)
    • added missing shapelib.dll for shp2tile utility (ticket 2127)
    • change to mod_fcgid hosted on (ticket 2133)
2009-09-08 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0-beta8 created. Notable changes are:
    • added multibyte regex support to PHP, required for Mapbender package (ticket 2086)
2009-09-01 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0-beta7 created. Notable changes are:
    • added mbstring and gettext libraries to PHP, required for Mapbender package (ticket 2086)
    • modified Python MapScript filenames in README_INSTALL (ticket 2087)
2009-07-31 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0-beta6 created. Notable changes are:
    • modified Python GDAL module name for Python 2.6 (ticket 2007)
    • added Python GDAL note in README_INSTALL (ticket 2007)
2009-07-23 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0-beta5 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 5.4.2 release
    • upgraded PHP to 5.3.0 (ticket 2075)
    • rebuilt PHP with dbase support (ticket 2077)
    • modified Curl certificates bundle (ticket 1762)
    • modified php.ini settings for ka-Map package (ticket 2049)
    • added SDE note in README_INSTALL (ticket 2076)
2009-07-02 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0-beta4 created. Notable changes are:
    • added notes for FastCGI with Oracle in README_INSTALL.html (ticket 2074)
    • added Curl certificates bundle (ticket 1762)
    • rebuilt SDE MapServer plugins (ticket 2072)
    • removed DEM Utilities (ticket 2070)
2009-06-23 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0-beta3 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 5.4.1 release
    • upgraded GDAL to svn-06232009
    • upgraded to geos 3.1-branch (svn 06232009)
    • upgraded to Oracle 11g support for GDAL and MapServer
    • rebuilt SDE plugins for beta release
2009-05-02 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0-beta2 created. Only change was:
    • use Apache binaries from ApacheLounge (ticket 2039)
2009-04-28 GatewayGeo
  • ms4w version 3.0-beta1 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 5.4.0 release
    • upgraded GDAL to svn-04272009 (ticket 1977)
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.11 (ticket 2008)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.3.0-rc2 (ticket 1976)
    • built all dependencies with MSVC 2008 compiler
    • upgraded to png 1.2.35 support for GDAL and MapServer (ticket#1625)
    • upgraded to libTIFF-cvs-04152009 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to GeoTIFF 1.2.5 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to Xerces 3.0.1 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to hdf5 1.8.2 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to mrsid SDK support for GDAL
    • upgraded to postgresql 8.3.7 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to mysql 5.1.34 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to fits 3.14 support for GDAL
    • upgraded to proj svn-04222009 support for GDAL and MapServer (ticket#2018)
    • added openssql 0.9.8k support to libcurl build for GDAL and MapServer (ticket#1762)
    • upgraded to libcurl 7.19.4 support for GDAL and MapServer (ticket#1762)
    • upgraded to geos 3.1.0 support for GDAL and MapServer (ticket#2025)
    • upgraded to swig 1.3.39 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to python 2.6.2 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to FreeType 2.3.9 support for MapServer
    • upgraded to pdflib-lite 7.0.4pl support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to libxml 2.7.3 support for MapServer
    • removed ecw support from GDAL build (ticket#2037)
    • removed demtools because of new gdaldem utility in GDAL
    • upgraded to oracle 11g support for GDAL and MapServer
2008-12-01 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 2.3.1 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 5.2.1 release
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.10 (ticket 1969)
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.6.0 RC2 (ticket 1973)
    • upgraded PROJ.4 to 4.6.1 release
    • rebuilt plugin for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (ticket 1964)
    • added SDE PATH note to documentation (ticket 1939)
2008-09-24 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 2.3.0 created. Only change was:
    • added plugin for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 support (ticket 1944)
2008-08-30 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 2.2.9 created. Only change was:
    • replaced libmysql.dll with older version (ticket 1730)
2008-08-08 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 2.2.8 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 5.2.0 release
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.9 (ticket 1903)
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.5.2 release (ticket 1905)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.2.6 (ticket 1902)
    • added fribidi2 support to MapServer build, which allows rendering of UTF8 labels with shaping support for Arabic and Hebrew (ticket 1914)
    • upgraded PROJ.4 to 4.6.1 RC1 (ticket 1590)
    • upgraded PostgreSQL support in GDAL and MapServer to version 8.3.3
    • added mod_fcgid to Apache and updated README with instructions (ticket 1631)
2008-02-08 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 2.2.7 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 5.0.2 release
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.5.0 release (ticket 1830)
    • upgraded to Python 2.5.1 support for GDAL and MapServer (ticket 1831)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.2.5 (ticket 1834)
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.8 (ticket 1835)
    • upgraded to GD 2.0.35 support for MapServer (ticket 1820)
    • upgraded to SWIG 1.3.33 support for GDAL and MapServer (ticket 1780)
    • upgraded to libTIFF CVS support (02/04/08) for GDAL
    • added DEMtools utilities (ticket 1813)
    • upgraded SDE and Oracle plugin files for GDAL and MapServer
2007-09-17 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 2.2.6 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 5.0 release
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.4.2 release (ticket 1745)
    • upgraded PHP to 5.2.4 (ticket 1779)
    • added missing PHP_OGR and OWTChart docs (ticket 1785)
    • added non-root install notes to README (ticket 1760)
    • added new SDE plugin files for SDE connections and updated the README (ticket 1729)
    • added Oracle builds for MapScript C, Java, and Python (ticket 1783)
    • added SHAPELIB/contrib utilities (ticket 1797)
2007-08-22 Y Assefa
  • ms4w version 2.2.5 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 4.10.3 release
2007-06-08 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 2.2.4 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 4.10.2 release
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.4.1 release
    • upgraded PHP to 5.2.3 (ticket 1715)
    • added PROJ_LIB variable to setenv.bat (ticket 1706)
    • modified Python MapScript path in README (ticket 1712)
    • added AVCE00 utilties (ticket 1691)
    • SDE support is temporarily unavailable (ticket 1729)
2007-03-06 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 2.2.3 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 4.10.1 release
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.4
    • upgraded PHP to 5.2.1 (ticket 1654)
    • added Vista installation notes (ticket 1653)
    • upgraded to PostgreSQL 8.2.3 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • removed php_mapscript_4.10.0.dll, the file is now named php_mapscript.dll
2007-01-17 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 2.2.2 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.4.0 release
    • added FITS, HDF5, SQLite, NetCDF format support to GDAL build
    • upgraded to GeoTIFF 1.2.3 for GDAL build
    • upgraded to libTIFF 3.8.2 for GDAL build
    • upgraded to Python 2.4.4 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • upgraded to swig 1.3.29 support for GDAL and MapServer
    • added FastCGI support for MapServer build
2006-11-09 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w versions 2.2.1 created. Only changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 5.2.0 (ticket 1611)
    • included ‘php_mapscript.dll’ file (ticket 1602)
2006-10-12 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w versions 2.2 and 1.6 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 4.10.0 release
    • upgraded Apache to 2.2.3
    • upgraded PHP to 5.1.6 and 4.4.4 (tickets 1328, 1550)
    • modified PHP5’s php.ini to allow short tags (ticket 1538)
2006-07-20 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w versions 2.1 and 1.5.5 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded MapServer and MapScript to 4.8.4
    • fixed oracle and sde plugins (ticket 1499)
    • upgraded PostgreSQL in build to 8.1.4 (ticket 1467)
    • upgraded GEOS in build to 2.2.3
    • enabled MrSID support by default
    • modified libcurl in build for SSL support (ticket 1524)
2006-05-30 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w 2.0 branch created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 5.1.4
2006-05-30 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.5.4 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded Apache to 2.0.58 (ticket 1465)
    • increased MapServer’s max number of symbols to 128 (ticket 1462)
    • upgraded shp2tile to 1.14
    • added gdal python files (ticket 1464)
    • added Python MapScript instructions to readme, and test script, from Ken Boss
2006-05-09 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.5.3 created. Notable changes are:
    • rebuilt MapServer due to microsoft runtime library dependency (ticket 1458)
    • included Oracle and SDE libmap dlls as part of package (ticket 1445)
    • upgraded GDAL to 1.3.2
    • upgraded GEOS to 2.2.2
2006-05-04 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.5.2 created. Notable changes are:
    • rebuilt MapServer due to php.exe crash (ticket 1409)
    • update gdal to cvs snapshot
    • updated gdaldata files
    • added MapScript build notes to README (ticket 1395)
    • modified php.ini to load postgresql extension by default (ticket 1443)
    • added Apache password authentication section to README (ticket 1446)
2006-04-12 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.5.1 created. Only change was:
    • rebuilt PHP/MapScript due to processQueryTemplate crash (MapServer ticket 1745)
2006-04-01 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.5.0 created. Notable changes are:
    • built with Hobu’s MapServer buildkit (ticket 1382)
    • added MapServer release of 4.8.3
    • added CSharp, Java, and Python MapScript
    • modified gdalplugin structure for MrSID, Oracle, and SDE plugins
    • removed MapServer 4.6.1 release from package
    • added shpdiff.exe utility (ticket 1371)
    • fixed path in mapserv-utils readme (ticket 1368)
    • add missing files in /proj/nad directory (ticket 1385)
    • added plugin instructions for MrSID, Oracle, and SDE to README_INSTALL doc
    • added library versions used in MapServer build to README_INSTALL doc
2006-03-02 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.4.1 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded PHP to 4.4.3-dev (ticket 1310)
    • added GDAL_DRIVER_PATH to setenv.bat (ticket 1020)
2006-02-07 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.4.0 created. Notable changes are:
    • added MapServer release of 4.8.1 cgi and PHP/MapScript
    • removed MapServer 4.4.2 release from package
    • upgraded PHP to 4.4.2 (ticket 1188)
    • combined setenv.bat files for all utilities (ticket 1190)
    • upgraded shp2tile to 1.13 release (ticket 1106)
    • added dll-hell description to troubleshooting in install doc (ticket 1194)
    • added error reporting options to quickmap.php (ticket 1239)
    • added apache-restart.bat script (ticket 1200)
    • added shapelib utilities
    • restructured /tools
2005-10-27 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.3.0 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded libcurl to 7.15.0 in cgi/mapscript (ticket 1177)
    • upgraded GDAL/OGR to 1.3.1
    • upgraded PHP to 4.4.0 (ticket 1179)
    • upgraded apache to 2.0.55
    • added recent gdal reference files
    • cleaned proj directory
    • created rSt/html version of install document
2005-09-15 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.2.2 created. One change:
    • upgraded to MapServer 4.6.1
2005-06-24 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.2.1 created. One change:
    • added new version of PHP_OGR.dll (ticket 1100)
2005-06-22 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.2 created. Notable changes are:
    • added MapServer final release of 4.6.0 cgi and MapScript
    • added apache-uninstall batch file
2005-05-25 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.1 created. Notable changes are:
    • added MapServer release of 4.6.0 beta2 cgi and MapScript
    • removed MapServer 4.2.1 files
    • upgraded php to 4.3.11 (ticket 929)
    • upgraded apache to 2.0.54
    • added gdal utilities
    • added shp2tile, obtained from (ticket 938)
    • added all gdal reference files (ticket 1001)
    • added GDAL_DRIVER_PATH env variable and gdalplugins folder (ticket 1020)
    • added php_sqlite extension (ticket 1021)
    • added php_chameleon extension (ticket 1060)
2004-12-22 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.0.3 created. One change:
    • upgraded to MapServer release of 4.4.1 cgi and MapScript
2004-12-17 Jeff McKenna
2004-11-30 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.0.1 created. One change:
    • upgraded to MapServer release of 4.4.0 cgi and MapScript
2004-11-09 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 1.0 created. Notable changes are:
    • added MapServer 4.4-beta2 cgi and MapScript
    • removed MapServer 3.6 and 4.0 versions
    • removed libwww dlls from cgi-bin
    • moved php.ini to cgi-bin (ticket 667)
    • moved xslt dlls (expat, iconv, sablot) to cgi-bin (ticket 677)
    • modified setenv.bat for mapserv and ogrinfo tools (ticket 605)
    • updated readme_install.txt (ticket 536)
    • included small script to delete tmp files
    • added latest mapserv-utils files
2004-07-21 Jeff McKenna
  • ms4w version 0.9 created. Notable changes are:
    • new version of MapServer 4.2 cgi and php_mapscript_42.dll (version 4.2.1 release of MapServer)
    • updated to Apache version 2.0.50
    • updated to PHP version 4.3.7
    • only one php.ini in package (/ms4w/apache/php/php.ini)
    • added s57 support files to package
    • added ogr utilities to package
    • added MapServer utilities to package
    • included pgsql75win (postgres for windows) as an extra add-on package for ms4w
    • added OWTChart documentation
    • added install instructions (/ms4w/README_INSTALL.txt)
2004-02-16 Paul Spencer
  • ms4w version 0.8 created. Notable changes are:
    • Updated the ms4w installation with new versions of MapServer 4.1 cgi and php_mapscript_41.dll as of 2004 02 16.
2003-10-16 Paul Spencer
  • ms4w version 0.6 created. Notable changes are:
    • removed httpd_local.conf that was inadvertently included in 0.5.
    • added PHP_OGR.dll to php extensions directory.
2003-09-05 Paul Spencer
  • ms4w version 0.5 created. Notable changes are:
    • upgraded to PHP 4.3.3 release version
    • upgraded to latest php_mapscript_40.dll (some minor ticket fixes)
    • added an auto-generated list for installed apps
    • apps are now expected to provide an “app_name.pkg.html” file in the /ms4w/Apache/htdocs directory that displays some app-specific information under the Applications section of the index page.
2003-08-05 Paul Spencer
  • ms4w version 0.4 created. Notable changes are:
    • (ticket 12, 13, 19) replaced PHP MapScript DLL with latest version 4.0 release
    • (ticket 18)updated php config by removing Zend stuff
    • (ticket 8, 16) updated docs to include info on setting up ms4w on different drives
    • (ticket 15) updated httpd.conf by moving include of httpd.d files to the end of the file so that included files can override defaults in the httpd.conf file (specifically for supporting installations that use map files on different root directories).
2003-07-04 Paul Spencer
  • ms4w version 0.3 created. Notable changes are:
    • removed apps from base distribution and created separate zips for them to reduce download size
    • updated documentation
2003-06-25 Paul Spencer
  • ms4w version 0.2 created. Notable changes are:
    • moved dlls from /ms4w/bin back into cgi-bin due to configuration problems under apache.
2003-06-12 Paul Spencer
  • created ms4w initial version from Daniel Morissette’s first try. Notable changes are:
    • moved apps from Apache into own directory
    • created httpd.d directory for apps and local config
    • moved dlls from cgi-bin to /ms4w/bin for security