{2} Active MS4W Tickets by Version (126 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (101 - 126 of 126)

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4.0.5 (26 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Status Created
#332 update MIMETYPE for GeoJSON in local.map MS4W - Base 4.0.5 task new 2021-05-07
#331 upgrade to Python 3.10.10 release MS4W - Python 4.0.5 task new 2021-05-04
#330 add Esri LERC compression plugin for GeoTIFF MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2021-05-01
#329 upgrade to SQLite 3.45.1 MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2021-04-29
#328 upgrade to libjpeg-turbo 3.0.2 release MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2021-04-23
#327 upgrade to libTIFF 4.6.0 MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2021-04-23
#326 upgrade SQLAlchemy Python module MS4W - Python 4.0.5 task new 2021-04-22
#325 add PostGIS steps to README for pycsw MS4W - Documentation 4.0.5 task new 2021-04-22
#324 add psycopg2 Python module MS4W - Python 4.0.5 enhancement new 2021-04-22
#323 pycsw - inconsistent path requirements for admin vs. front end MS4W - Packages 4.0.5 defect new 2021-04-16
#322 set PYTHONUTF8 environment variable MS4W - Python 4.0.5 enhancement new 2021-04-14
#321 upgrade to FastCGI 2.4.2 MS4W - Base 4.0.5 task new 2021-04-12
#320 Additional XSS protection for the usage of SVG files? MS4W - Apache 4.0.5 enhancement new 2021-04-08
#319 upgrade to libexpat 2.6.0 (security) release MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2021-04-02
#318 Point to updated homepage in shp2tile README MS4W - Base 4.0.5 defect new 2021-03-29
#317 Add "Securing your MS4W Installation" section to the README MS4W - Base 4.0.5 defect new 2021-03-26
#316 add favicon MS4W - Base 4.0.5 task new 2021-03-21
#315 renew Code Signing Certificate required for Windows MS4W - Base 4.0.5 task new 2021-03-11
#313 ugrade Zstandard compression support to 1.5.5 release MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2021-03-03
#312 add OpenGL Rendering Support MS4W - MapServer 4.0.5 task new 2021-02-26
#310 upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1t (HIGH level) security release MS4W - Base 4.0.5 task new 2021-02-16
#309 upgrade to GEOS 3.12.0 release MS4W - Base 4.0.5 task new 2021-02-10
#308 upgrade to curl 8.6.0 (security) release MS4W - Base 4.0.5 task new 2021-02-03
#307 add LuaJIT to osm2pgsql build MS4W - Tools 4.0.5 enhancement new 2021-01-11
#306 upgrade to PHP 7.4.21 release MS4W - PHP 4.0.5 task new 2021-01-07
#305 upgrade ZOO-Project package to the 1.9.0 release MS4W - Packages 4.0.5 task new 2020-12-18
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