Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#261 closed defect (fixed)

pycsw drive letter path configurations

Reported by: TC Haddad Owned by: Jeff McKenna
Priority: minor Milestone: 4.0.4 release
Component: MS4W - Base Version: 4.0.3
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:


When the installer is used, and a drive letter other than C:\ is selected, several paths in the pycsw configuration do not get updated. If this can be fixed, great, if not, we should warn users in the documentation.

In default.cfg:

  • home
  • logfile
  • database*

Note that the demo database path that includes a drive letter is also commented out, so not sure if this is an oversight or intentional

Change History (4)

comment:1 by TC Haddad, 5 years ago

PS - if the path on line 70 of the default.cfg file is required for the demo, then besides being uncommented, there is also a typo that needs to be corrected. The typo is a missing "w" in the folder name "pycs-2.4.2"

comment:2 by TC Haddad, 5 years ago

Hmm - I checked this again looking at the zip download version instead, and I notice that the drive letters issue is reduced, because drive letters are not included in the pycsw section of httpd.conf

using the zip download version, I was able to get the pycsw demo running with just one drive letter change to the "home" value in default.cfg

comment:3 by TC Haddad, 5 years ago

Correction - there is a another drive letter location that needs to be edited in order to get the demo to work, even in the zip download.

that location is in /ms4w/apps/pycsw-2.4.2/ in the very first line:

#!C:\ms4w\Python\python.exe -u

comment:4 by Jeff McKenna, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks for testing this. The installer was already supposed to be changing the paths in default.cfg (can you test this with today's MS4W 4.0.4 ?).

I also modified the installer to also update the drive letter in as well.

Marking this as fixed. Please re-open if not fixed in 4.0.4

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