Opened 6 hours ago

Last modified 4 hours ago

#425 new defect

ms4w.conf fails to load in fcgi mode

Reported by: Tamas Szekeres Owned by: Jeff McKenna
Priority: blocker Milestone: 5.0.1 release
Component: MS4W - MapServer Version: 5.0.0
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:


When we set up a map to be served in fcgi mode mapserv.exe tries to load the file from this location C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin\ms4w.conf instead of C:\ms4w\ms4w.conf (like in cgi mode).

A possible workaround is to modify httpd.conf as follows:

# use the following <IfModule> section for FastCGI use
# see the FastCGI section of MS4W's README_INSTALL document for more info
<IfModule fcgid_module>
   FcgidMinProcessesPerClass 0
   FcgidIdleScanInterval 1
   FcgidProcessLifeTime 10
   FcgidInitialEnv MAPSERVER_CONFIG_FILE "C:/ms4w/ms4w.conf"

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Jeff McKenna, 4 hours ago

Priority: majorblocker

great find, will add it to the next release, thanks @szekerest !

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