

10:26 Ticket #219 (add PHP-GEOS bindings) created by Jeff McKenna
- unfortunately no Windows support though - …
09:41 Ticket #218 (Disable Pixman as it brings back old issue with Opacity) created by Jeff McKenna
Some opacity requests return an error of: […] - Pixman was added …


16:37 Ticket #217 (upgrade to pycsw 2.4.0 release) created by Jeff McKenna
16:29 Ticket #216 (upgrade to GeoMoose 3.3.1 release) closed by Jeff McKenna
fixed: Added GeoMoose 3.3.1 to ms4w.com download page, and added it to the …
11:19 Ticket #216 (upgrade to GeoMoose 3.3.1 release) created by Jeff McKenna
- add 3.3.1 to the MS4W 4.0 installer - add 3.3.1 package to MS4W …


09:13 SWIGMapScriptOpacity edited by Jeff McKenna
09:08 SWIGMapScriptOpacity edited by Jeff McKenna
08:55 SWIGMapScriptOpacity edited by Jeff McKenna
08:54 SWIGMapScriptOpacity edited by Jeff McKenna
08:53 SWIGMapScriptOpacity edited by Jeff McKenna
08:32 SWIGMapScriptNewLayer edited by Jeff McKenna
08:30 SWIGMapScriptOpacity edited by Jeff McKenna
08:30 SWIGMapScriptOpacity edited by Jeff McKenna
08:29 SWIGMapScriptOpacity edited by Jeff McKenna
08:28 SWIGMapScriptOpacity edited by Jeff McKenna
08:28 SWIGMapScriptOpacity created by Jeff McKenna
08:27 WikiStart edited by Jeff McKenna


14:45 Ticket #215 (upgrade to Fribidi 1.0.10 release) created by Jeff McKenna
- https://github.com/fribidi/fribidi/releases


18:33 WMSWrapper edited by Jeff McKenna
18:32 WMSWrapper edited by Jeff McKenna
18:28 WMSWrapper edited by Jeff McKenna
18:27 WMSWrapper edited by Jeff McKenna
18:26 WMSWrapper edited by Jeff McKenna
18:25 WMSWrapper created by Jeff McKenna
18:21 WikiStart edited by Jeff McKenna
09:25 MapCacheOpenLayers edited by Jeff McKenna


08:45 Ticket #214 (upgrade to GEOS 3.7.2 release) created by Jeff McKenna


13:24 Ticket #213 (upgrade to PHP 7.2.21 release) created by Jeff McKenna
10:12 Ticket #212 (upgrade to libGeoTIFF 1.7.3) created by Jeff McKenna
- libgeotiff >= 1.5.0 requires PROJ 6 - 1.5.0 news: …
09:45 TracAdmin edited by trac
09:45 CamelCase edited by trac
09:45 InterTrac edited by trac
09:45 TracWorkflow edited by trac
09:45 WikiRestructuredText edited by trac
09:45 TicketQuery edited by trac
09:45 TracUpgrade edited by trac
09:45 InterWiki edited by trac
09:45 TracRepositoryAdmin edited by trac
09:45 TracPlugins edited by trac
09:45 TracSearch edited by trac
09:45 TracBackup edited by trac
09:45 WikiNewPage edited by trac
09:45 TracTicketsCustomFields edited by trac
09:45 TracImport edited by trac
09:45 WikiDeletePage edited by trac
09:45 TracUnicode edited by trac
09:45 TracAccessibility edited by trac
09:45 TracModWSGI edited by trac
09:45 TracQuery edited by trac
09:45 TracChangeLog edited by trac
09:45 WikiFormatting edited by trac
09:45 WikiProcessors edited by trac
09:45 TracNavigation edited by trac
09:45 TracRoadmap edited by trac
09:45 TracChangeset edited by trac
09:45 TracStandalone edited by trac
09:45 TracWiki edited by trac
09:45 TracFastCgi edited by trac
09:45 TracSupport edited by trac
09:45 TracTickets edited by trac
09:45 TracBrowser edited by trac
09:45 WikiRestructuredTextLinks edited by trac
09:45 TracReports edited by trac
09:45 WikiPageNames edited by trac
09:45 TracInstall edited by trac
09:45 TracLinks edited by trac
09:45 TracModPython edited by trac
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09:45 TracBatchModify edited by trac
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09:45 TracIni edited by trac
09:45 WikiMacros edited by trac
09:45 TracEnvironment edited by trac
09:45 TracInterfaceCustomization edited by trac
09:45 TracGuide edited by trac
09:30 Ticket #211 (upgrade to GDAL 3.x series) created by Jeff McKenna
- requires PROJ 6


09:45 Ticket #210 (add HTML Legend demo to packages) created by Jeff McKenna
09:43 Ticket #209 (upgrade to SWIG 4.0.0 release) created by Jeff McKenna


16:16 Ticket #207 (upgrade to Mapbender 3.0.8 release) closed by Jeff McKenna
fixed: added to the 4.0.0 installer.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.