
Version 18 (modified by Jeff McKenna, 2 years ago) ( diff )


Important notes when upgrading to MS4W 5 from MS4W 4


  • always first follow the instructions in the file /ms4w/REQUIREMENTS.txt to install the updated "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable" on your server

SWIG MapScript


  • as of MS4W 5.0, there is no external file to include in your PHP scripts (the constants and functions are wrapped inside the MapScript PHP extension instead)
  • see the updated example scripts here on the Wiki, such as:
  • quickmap.php has also been updated (see locally at /ms4w/Apache/htdocs/quickmap.php)
  • be aware that with the MapServer 8 release, many deprecated things have been removed and will now throw an error. For example, there is no longer a setMetaData() function for a Layer, in SWIG MapScript. Instead here is a working example:
      $oWMSLayer->metadata->set("wms_name", "popplace");
      $oWMSLayer->metadata->set("wms_srs", "EPSG:3978");
      $oWMSLayer->metadata->set("wms_server_version", "1.1.1");
      $oWMSLayer->metadata->set("wms_format", "image/png");


  • has been included in /ms4w/msplugins/mapscript/python/ (follow the instructions at top of file)
  • the GDAL Python utilities can be called at the commandline such as:
      gdal_merge --help
      gdal2tiles --help


  • MS4W 5.0 includes PROJ 8.2, which contains many changes, allowing to dynamically pull in various grids, to improve accuracy
  • see settings in /ms4w/share/proj/proj.ini
  • since we are involved in displaying maps over the internet, we should likely have these grids locally on the server
    • execute the following after installing MS4W

Removed Mapfile Parameters


Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.