Opened 8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#131 closed enhancement (fixed)

Installation warning re: MSVCR110.dll - suggested addition to documentation

Reported by: TC Haddad Owned by: Jeff McKenna
Priority: trivial Milestone: 3.2.3 release
Component: MS4W - Documentation Version: 3.2.2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:


Installation on some machines results in a warning: "The Program can't start because MSVCR110.dll is missing from your computer"

This could be added to the documentation for future users. This is adapted from a Microsoft Support Q&A:

" MSVCR110.dll is the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable dll that is needed for projects built with Visual Studio 2011/2012. The redistributable can easily be downloaded on the Microsoft website (select x86 edition for MS4W): "

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Jeff McKenna, 7 years ago

This was already documented in the file /ms4w/REQUIREMENTS.txt (the C++ Redistributable installer lives inside MS4W at /ms4w/tmp/)

I have also added this to the README in the section "Extracting MS4W for the first time", and also in the FAQ section "The Program can't start because MSVCRxxx.dll is missing
from your computer"

You can test this using the new MS4W-3.2.3 beta package at

comment:2 by Jeff McKenna, 7 years ago

Also, the setup.exe installer already runs the external C++ Redistributable installer when necessary (by checking the registry). Please give the new a try and let me know.

comment:3 by Jeff McKenna, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

These changes were included in today's MS4W 3.2.3 release.

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