{6} All MS4W Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (404 matches)

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Results (301 - 400 of 404)

1 2 3 4 5

5.0.0 release (93 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Modified
#351 add note about http OPTIONS as a possible Apache security prevention MS4W - Documentation new 4.0.5 task major 2021-10-20
#386 add how to define custom projections (with recent PROJ) into README MS4W - Documentation new 4.0.5 task major 2023-01-17
#325 add PostGIS steps to README for pycsw MS4W - Documentation new 4.0.5 task minor 2021-10-20
#377 possibly include GDAL docs in HTML, for driver pages MS4W - Documentation new 4.0.5 task minor 2022-05-24
#99 Add logos to docs (Apache, PHP,...) MS4W - Documentation new 3.1.4 enhancement enhancement 2021-10-20
#378 mention use of CPL_CURL_VERBOSE MS4W - Documentation new 4.0.5 task enhancement 2022-07-13
#211 upgrade to GDAL 3.x series MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.0 task blocker 2022-05-12
#292 add libdeflate support to libTIFF build MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.4 enhancement critical 2021-10-20
#327 upgrade to libTIFF 4.6.0 MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task critical 2023-09-19
#364 vulnerability for librttopo MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 defect critical 2021-12-31
#45 Add MongoDB driver to GDAL build MS4W - GDAL new 3.1.2 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#212 upgrade to upcoming libGeoTIFF 1.7.1 MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.0 task major 2022-03-08
#255 Add librasterlite2 support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.3 task major 2021-10-20
#266 add KEA format to GDAL build MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.3 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#278 upgrade spatialite to 5.0.1 release MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.4 task major 2021-10-20
#284 upgrade to NetCDF 4.9.2 release MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.4 task major 2023-06-09
#313 ugrade Zstandard compression support to 1.5.5 release MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-05-09
#319 upgrade to libexpat 2.6.0 (security) release MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2024-02-26
#328 upgrade to libjpeg-turbo 3.0.2 release MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2024-02-26
#329 upgrade to SQLite 3.45.1 MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2024-02-26
#330 add Esri LERC compression plugin for GeoTIFF MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2021-10-20
#349 upgrade to HDF5 1.14.1 release MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-06-09
#350 upgrade to HDF 4.2.16 MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-06-09
#352 upgrade to PostgreSQL 15.4 support (security vulnerability) MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-09-09
#353 upgrade to FreeXL 2.0.0 release MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2021-10-20
#355 upgrade to libxml2 to 2.12.5 release MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2024-02-26
#359 add WebP raster image support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-09-19
#362 add OGDI support for GDAL MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2021-12-02
#363 add OpenEXR raster format MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2021-12-24
#366 add FTS5 extension (full text search through virtual tables) for SQLite MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2022-02-10
#367 add sqldiff.exe & sqlite3_analyzer.exe utilities MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2022-02-10
#385 upgrade to libPNG 1.6.43 release MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2024-02-26
#387 add LZ4 compression library MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-02-19
#388 upgrade CFITSIO to 4.2.0 MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-02-19
#390 add Crypto++ support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-05-22
#391 add QHULL support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-05-22
#392 upgrade Shapelib support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-05-22
#393 add TileDB support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-05-27
#394 add SOSI support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-05-27
#396 upgrade FreeType to 2.13.2 MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-09-09
#397 add support for (Geo)Parquet MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-07-04
#403 add missing SpatiaLite-tools utilities MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 enhancement major 2023-08-07
#406 upgrade GIFLIB to 5.2.2 security release MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2024-03-06
#100 upgrade to zlib 1.3.1 release MS4W - GDAL new 3.1.4 task minor 2024-01-23
#138 upgrade to latest Poppler release MS4W - GDAL new 3.2.2 task minor 2024-05-02
#170 Add ogr support for DWG format MS4W - GDAL new 3.2.7 enhancement enhancement 2021-10-20
#2 Esri's FileGDB SDK not available for MSVC 2015 compiler MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 3.1.0-beta4 defect minor 2021-10-20
#369 enable MVT through MapCache MS4W - MapCache new 4.0.5 task major 2022-02-23
#370 upgrade to MapCache 1.12.0 release MS4W - MapCache new 4.0.5 task major 2022-02-24
#356 upgrade HarfBuzz to 8.3.0 release MS4W - MapServer new 4.0.5 task major 2024-03-06
#357 upgrade to FriBidi 1.0.13 release MS4W - MapServer new 4.0.5 task major 2023-06-28
#398 upgrade Protocol Buffers to 23.4 release MS4W - MapServer new 4.0.5 task major 2023-07-07
#3 SVG Symbol Support for MapServer MS4W - MapServer closed fixed 3.1.0-beta4 defect major 2021-10-20
#209 upgrade to SWIG 4.0.0 release MS4W - MapServer closed fixed 4.0.0 task major 2021-10-20
#59 Feedback: Setup.exe should allow using local zip or proxy MS4W - Nullsoft Installer new 3.1.4 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#314 paths with spaces causes installer to fail when Mapbender is chosen to install MS4W - Nullsoft Installer closed fixed 4.0.5 defect blocker 2021-10-20
#304 upgrade to PHP 8.x series MS4W - PHP new 4.0.4 task critical 2023-09-01
#306 upgrade to PHP 7.4.21 release MS4W - PHP new 4.0.5 task critical 2021-10-20
#365 uprgade OGR/PHP extension to 1.6.1 release MS4W - PHP new 4.0.5 task minor 2022-01-10
#371 Add php imagick module MS4W - PHP new 4.0.5 enhancement enhancement 2022-02-25
#190 re-add PHP_OGR extension MS4W - PHP closed fixed 3.3.0 defect major 2021-10-20
#276 upgrade to PHP 7.2.32 release MS4W - PHP closed duplicate 4.0.4 task major 2021-10-20
#251 add pygeoapi package MS4W - Packages new 4.0.2 enhancement critical 2021-12-02
#305 upgrade ZOO-Project package to the 1.9.0 release MS4W - Packages new 4.0.5 task critical 2022-01-26
#343 add license.md file to the OpenLayers package MS4W - Packages new 4.0.5 defect critical 2021-10-20
#61 Feedback: countries layer of OpenLayers3 demo not appearing in Firefox MS4W - Packages new 3.1.4 defect major 2021-10-20
#64 Add libLAS package MS4W - Packages new 3.1.4 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#136 Add GDAL profile demo as part of ZOO-Project package MS4W - Packages new 3.2.2 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#210 add HTML Legend demo to packages MS4W - Packages new 4.0.0 task major 2021-10-20
#247 add NITF, E57 plugins for PDAL MS4W - Packages new 4.0.2 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#348 upgrade to OpenLayers 6.11.0 release MS4W - Packages new 4.0.5 task major 2022-01-10
#354 ZOO-Project 1.8dev app currently broken MS4W - Packages new 4.0.5 defect major 2021-10-20
#360 add demo links to GeoMoose app on localhost MS4W - Packages new 4.0.5 task major 2021-11-12
#373 upgrade to Matomo Analytics 4.8.0 release MS4W - Packages new 4.0.5 task major 2022-03-11
#382 upgrade to upcoming pycsw 3.0.0 release MS4W - Packages new 4.0.5 enhancement major 2022-10-11
#323 pycsw - inconsistent path requirements for admin vs. front end MS4W - Packages new 4.0.5 defect enhancement 2021-10-20
#380 upgrade to GeoMoose 3.10.1 MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.5 task major 2022-09-29
#374 upgrade to Mapbender 3.3.0 MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.5 task major 2022-04-01
#347 upgrade to Mapbender 3.2.8 release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.5 task major 2021-11-04
#345 upgrade to GeoMoose 3.8.0 release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.5 task major 2021-10-20
#338 upgrade OpenLayers to 6.5.0 release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.5 task major 2021-10-20
#340 upgrade to Mapbender 3.2.5 release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.5 task major 2021-10-20
#344 upgrade to Mapbender 3.2.6 release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.5 task major 2021-10-20
#326 upgrade SQLAlchemy Python module MS4W - Python new 4.0.5 task critical 2021-10-20
#257 add rasterio package MS4W - Python new 4.0.3 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#258 add GeoPandas package MS4W - Python new 4.0.3 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#331 upgrade to Python 3.10.10 release MS4W - Python new 4.0.5 task major 2023-02-09
#322 set PYTHONUTF8 environment variable MS4W - Python new 4.0.5 enhancement minor 2021-10-20
#324 add psycopg2 Python module MS4W - Python new 4.0.5 enhancement minor 2021-10-20
#361 gdal2tiles.py throws memory leak warning MS4W - Python new 4.0.5 defect minor 2021-11-27
#311 upgrade to upcoming Python 3.9.2 release MS4W - Python closed duplicate 4.0.5 task major 2021-10-20
#346 change title for TinyOWS demo MS4W - TinyOWS new 4.0.5 task major 2021-10-20
#307 add LuaJIT to osm2pgsql build MS4W - Tools new 4.0.5 enhancement major 2021-10-20

5.2.0 release (2 matches)

#169 Add QGIS Desktop package (with mapfile export plugin) MS4W - Base new 3.2.7 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#341 meeting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines MS4W - Base new 4.0.5 defect major 2021-10-20

future (5 matches)

#75 Examine Mapigniter2 as possible admin frontend MS4W - Base new 3.1.4 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#312 add OpenGL Rendering Support MS4W - MapServer new 4.0.5 task major 2021-10-20
#219 add PHP-GEOS bindings MS4W - PHP new 4.0.0 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#11 Add an istSOS package MS4W - Packages new 3.1.0-beta4 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#12 Add a Magnacarto package MS4W - Packages new 3.1.0-beta4 enhancement major 2021-10-20
1 2 3 4 5
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