Custom Query (133 matches)


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Results (101 - 133 of 133)

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Status: new (33 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#401 add Brotli compression support for Apache Jeff McKenna task major MS4W - Apache 4.0.5
#402 add Jansson compression for JSON data, with Apache Jeff McKenna task major MS4W - Apache 4.0.5
#403 add missing SpatiaLite-tools utilities Jeff McKenna enhancement major MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5
#404 add support for HTTP/2 to the cURL tools Jeff McKenna defect major MS4W - Base 4.0.5
#405 expand /etc/symbols.txt Jeff McKenna task minor MS4W - Base 4.0.5
#406 upgrade GIFLIB to 5.2.2 security release Jeff McKenna task major MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5
#278 upgrade spatialite to 5.0.1 release Jeff McKenna task major MS4W - GDAL 4.0.4
#284 upgrade to NetCDF 4.9.2 release Jeff McKenna task major MS4W - GDAL 4.0.4
#292 add libdeflate support to libTIFF build Jeff McKenna enhancement critical MS4W - GDAL 4.0.4
#304 upgrade to PHP 8.x series Jeff McKenna task critical MS4W - PHP 4.0.4
#255 Add librasterlite2 support Jeff McKenna task major MS4W - GDAL 4.0.3
#257 add rasterio package Jeff McKenna enhancement major MS4W - Python 4.0.3
#258 add GeoPandas package Jeff McKenna enhancement major MS4W - Python 4.0.3
#266 add KEA format to GDAL build Jeff McKenna enhancement major MS4W - GDAL 4.0.3
#273 upgrade to Visual Studio 2019 build environment Jeff McKenna task blocker MS4W - Base 4.0.3
#275 add Apache stop and start scripts Jeff McKenna task trivial MS4W - Apache 4.0.3
#247 add NITF, E57 plugins for PDAL Jeff McKenna enhancement major MS4W - Packages 4.0.2
#251 add pygeoapi package Jeff McKenna enhancement critical MS4W - Packages 4.0.2
#198 upgrade to PROJ 6.x series (now PROJ 9) Jeff McKenna task blocker MS4W - Base 4.0.0
#200 add Rotatelogs steps to readme Jeff McKenna enhancement enhancement MS4W - Apache 4.0.0
#210 add HTML Legend demo to packages Jeff McKenna task major MS4W - Packages 4.0.0
#211 upgrade to GDAL 3.x series Jeff McKenna task blocker MS4W - GDAL 4.0.0
#212 upgrade to upcoming libGeoTIFF 1.7.1 Jeff McKenna task major MS4W - GDAL 4.0.0
#170 Add ogr support for DWG format Jeff McKenna enhancement enhancement MS4W - GDAL 3.2.7
#136 Add GDAL profile demo as part of ZOO-Project package Jeff McKenna enhancement major MS4W - Packages 3.2.2
#138 upgrade to latest Poppler release Jeff McKenna task minor MS4W - GDAL 3.2.2
#59 Feedback: Setup.exe should allow using local zip or proxy Jeff McKenna enhancement major MS4W - Nullsoft Installer 3.1.4
#61 Feedback: countries layer of OpenLayers3 demo not appearing in Firefox Jeff McKenna defect major MS4W - Packages 3.1.4
#64 Add libLAS package Jeff McKenna enhancement major MS4W - Packages 3.1.4
#99 Add logos to docs (Apache, PHP,...) Jeff McKenna enhancement enhancement MS4W - Documentation 3.1.4
#100 upgrade to zlib 1.3.1 release Jeff McKenna task minor MS4W - GDAL 3.1.4
#45 Add MongoDB driver to GDAL build Jeff McKenna enhancement major MS4W - GDAL 3.1.2
#28 Update setenv.bat for Windows "PowerShell" Jeff McKenna enhancement major MS4W - Base 3.1.0
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