{6} All MS4W Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (434 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (401 - 434 of 434)

1 2 3 4 5

3.2.0 release (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Modified
#74 Include PHP 5.6 in next stable release MS4W - PHP closed fixed 3.1.4 task critical 2017-02-01
#69 upgrade GDAL to 2.1.3 release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 3.1.4 task critical 2017-02-01

3.1.4 release (3 matches)

#57 upgrade OpenSSL to upcoming May 3rd release MS4W - Base closed fixed 3.1.3 enhancement major 2016-05-06
#55 Upgrade Apache to 2.4.20 release MS4W - Apache closed fixed 3.1.3 enhancement major 2016-05-06
#50 GDAL 2.1.0 future release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 3.1.3 enhancement major 2016-05-06

3.1.3 release (7 matches)

#40 Upgrade Mapbender package to MS4W - Packages closed fixed 3.1.2 defect major 2016-03-03
#44 remove backslashes in HISTORY.txt MS4W - Base closed fixed 3.1.2 defect minor 2016-03-03
#49 Add sample MapServer fonts and symbols MS4W - Base closed fixed 3.1.2 enhancement minor 2016-03-03
#47 Upgrade to MapServer 7.0.1 MS4W - MapServer closed fixed 3.1.2 enhancement major 2016-03-03
#46 upgrade OpenSSL to upcoming March 1st release MS4W - Apache closed fixed 3.1.2 defect major 2016-03-03
#39 Upgrade to MapCache 1.4.1 release MS4W - MapServer closed fixed 3.1.2 defect major 2016-03-03
#42 Create "experimental" release package containing MapServer layer name change MS4W - Base closed fixed 3.1.2 task minor 2016-02-11

3.1.2 release (9 matches)

#27 shptree crashes with an error message ("The ordinal 4444 could not be located in the dynamic link library \ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin\libcurl.dll") MS4W - Tools closed fixed 3.1.0 defect blocker 2018-06-12
#35 Apache bug 57785 - affects REDIRECT_URL users MS4W - Apache closed fixed 3.1.1 defect major 2016-02-10
#26 oci8 extension issues with PHPMapScript MS4W - PHP closed fixed 3.1.0 defect major 2016-01-31
#33 disable "expose_php" in php.ini MS4W - PHP closed fixed 3.1.1 enhancement minor 2016-01-30
#32 Increase "max_input_vars" in php.ini for Mapbender MS4W - PHP closed invalid 3.1.1 enhancement major 2016-01-30
#37 Upgrade to openssl-1.0.2f MS4W - Apache closed fixed 3.1.1 defect major 2016-01-30
#36 Upgrade to GDAL 2.0.2 MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 3.1.1 defect major 2016-01-30
#34 update mailing list link for release MS4W - Documentation closed fixed 3.1.1 defect major 2016-01-30
#17 Upgrade to upcoming PROJ.4 4.9.2 release MS4W - Base closed fixed 3.1.0-beta4 defect major 2016-01-30

3.1.1 release (5 matches)

#19 Remove httpd_php_ogr.conf MS4W - Apache closed fixed 3.1.0 defect major 2015-12-18
#25 Upgrade Apache to 2.4.16 MS4W - Apache closed fixed 3.1.0 enhancement major 2015-12-18
#18 Upgrade to GDAL 2.0.1 release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 3.1.0 task major 2015-12-18
#15 PHP Mapscript problems in Mapserver 7.0 MS4W - PHP closed fixed defect major 2015-12-18
#21 Changes to Mapbender3 package MS4W - Packages closed fixed 3.1.0 defect major 2015-12-12

3.1.0 release (4 matches)

#6 Add a Mapbender3 package MS4W - Packages closed fixed 3.1.0-beta4 enhancement major 2015-09-11
#9 Add a GeoMoose 2.8 package MS4W - Packages closed fixed 3.1.0 enhancement major 2015-09-10
#8 Add an OpenLayers3 package MS4W - Packages closed fixed 3.1.0-beta4 enhancement major 2015-09-10
#16 Upgrade to PHP 5.4.45 security release MS4W - PHP closed fixed defect major 2015-09-10

(empty) (4 matches)

#43 Gdal with ecw MS4W - GDAL closed wontfix enhancement major 2016-02-18
#41 OpenSSL fails on openssl_pkey_get_details MS4W - Base closed wontfix 3.1.2 defect major 2016-02-08
#31 Issue with php_mapscript and Oracle MS4W - Base closed wontfix defect major 2016-01-31
#14 Apache 2.4 optimization for Windows MS4W - Apache closed fixed 3.1.0 enhancement enhancement 2015-09-10
1 2 3 4 5
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