- 16:23 Ticket #417 (update README for plugin steps for Microsoft SQL Server) created by
- - since MapServer 8.0, we must setup the plugin in the ms4w.conf …
- 16:15 Ticket #416 (upgrade to cURL 8.12.1 release) created by
- https://curl.se/ch/8.10.1.html
- 16:01 Ticket #409 (64 bit versions for C# MapScript) closed by
- fixed: @leszek.mazur as mentioned in the MS4W documentation, MS4W is 32bit, …
- 15:57 Ticket #415 (upgrade to LibTIFF 4.7.0 release) created by
- 15:56 Ticket #414 (upgrade to PHP 8.3.13 release) created by
- https://www.php.net/archive/2024.php#2024-09-26-2
- 15:54 Ticket #28 (Update setenv.bat for Windows "PowerShell") reopened by
- reopening, to hopefully receive feedback on the new powershell scripts …
- 15:52 Ticket #28 (Update setenv.bat for Windows "PowerShell") closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html …
- 15:47 Ticket #100 (upgrade to zlib 1.3.1 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:45 Ticket #138 (upgrade to latest Poppler release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:43 Ticket #210 (add HTML Legend demo to packages) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:42 Ticket #212 (upgrade to libGeoTIFF 1.7.3) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:37 Ticket #266 (add KEA format to GDAL build) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:36 Ticket #278 (upgrade spatialite to 5.0.1 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:35 Ticket #284 (upgrade to NetCDF 4.9.2 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:34 Ticket #304 (upgrade to PHP 8.x series) closed by
- fixed: PHP 8.3.11 is available in the MS4W 5.0 release: …
- 15:33 Ticket #306 (upgrade to PHP 7.4.21 release) closed by
- fixed: PHP 8.3.11 is available in the MS4W 5.0 release: …
- 15:30 Ticket #308 (upgrade to curl 8.9.0 (security) release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:30 Ticket #309 (upgrade to GEOS 3.12.2 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:30 Ticket #310 (upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1t (HIGH level) security release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:29 Ticket #313 (ugrade Zstandard compression support to 1.5.6 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:27 Ticket #316 (add favicon) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:26 Ticket #317 (Add "Securing your MS4W Installation" section to the README) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:23 Ticket #319 (upgrade to libexpat 2.6.0 (security) release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:21 Ticket #322 (set PYTHONUTF8 environment variable) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:19 Ticket #324 (add psycopg2 Python module) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:18 Ticket #326 (upgrade SQLAlchemy Python module) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:17 Ticket #327 (upgrade to libTIFF 4.6.0) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:16 Ticket #328 (upgrade to libjpeg-turbo 3.0.3 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:16 Ticket #329 (upgrade to SQLite 3.46.0) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:14 Ticket #331 (upgrade to Python 3.12.6 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:08 Ticket #333 (set default MS_MAP_BAD_PATTERN in Apache conf) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:07 Ticket #334 (change local.map "gml_featureid" value) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:05 Ticket #336 (upgrade to PDAL 2.5.4 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:05 Ticket #292 (add libdeflate support to libTIFF build) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:04 Ticket #211 (upgrade to GDAL 3.x series) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:04 Ticket #198 (upgrade to PROJ 6.x series (now PROJ 9)) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 15:02 Ticket #337 (upgrade to LAZperf 2.0.0 release) closed by
- wontfix: No longer required for PDAL.
- 15:01 Ticket #339 (upgrade to Apache HTTP 2.4.62 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:59 Ticket #342 (add missing STYLE object to local.map) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:59 Ticket #343 (add license.md file to the OpenLayers package) closed by
- fixed: This was fixed a while ago.
- 14:55 Ticket #349 (upgrade to HDF5 1.14.1 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:55 Ticket #350 (upgrade to HDF4 4.3.0) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:54 Ticket #352 (upgrade to PostgreSQL 16.3 support (security vulnerability)) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:53 Ticket #353 (upgrade to FreeXL 2.0.0 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:52 Ticket #354 (ZOO-Project 1.8dev app currently broken) closed by
- duplicate: Closing, this is better handled through issue #305
- 14:50 Ticket #355 (upgrade to libxml2 to 2.13.2 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:50 Ticket #356 (upgrade HarfBuzz to 9.0.0 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:49 Ticket #357 (upgrade to FriBidi 1.0.15 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:49 Ticket #358 (include the renamed utility 'map2img') closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:48 Ticket #359 (add WebP raster image support) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:42 Ticket #362 (add OGDI support for GDAL) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:40 Ticket #364 (vulnerability for librttopo) closed by
- fixed: Patched in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:39 Ticket #365 (uprgade OGR/PHP extension to 1.6.1 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:39 Ticket #366 (add FTS5 extension (full text search through virtual tables) for SQLite) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:38 Ticket #367 (add sqldiff.exe & sqlite3_analyzer.exe utilities) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:34 Ticket #370 (upgrade to MapCache 1.12.0 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 14:31 Ticket #373 (upgrade to Matomo Analytics 4.8.0 release) closed by
- fixed: @tchaddad can you test MS4W 5.0 with Matomo? (MS4W 5.0 is bundled …
- 13:57 Ticket #381 (upgrade to osm2pgsql 1.8.0 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:57 Ticket #382 (upgrade to upcoming pycsw 3.0.0 release) closed by
- fixed: pycsw is available in the MS4W 5.0 release: …
- 13:54 Ticket #384 (upgrade Xerces-C to 3.2.5 security release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:53 Ticket #385 (upgrade to libPNG 1.6.43 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:53 Ticket #387 (add LZ4 compression library) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:51 Ticket #388 (upgrade CFITSIO to 4.4.1) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:51 Ticket #389 (instalable ne repond pas dans mon server windows server vps) closed by
- worksforme: No feedback, closing. (also try the new MS4W 5.0 at …
- 13:49 Ticket #390 (add Crypto++ support) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:48 Ticket #391 (add QHULL support) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:48 Ticket #392 (upgrade Shapelib support) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:47 Ticket #395 (add mod_http2) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:46 Ticket #396 (upgrade FreeType to 2.13.3) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:45 Ticket #398 (upgrade Protocol Buffers to 23.4 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:45 Ticket #399 (upgrade Lua to 5.4.7 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:44 Ticket #400 (change to PCRE2 (as PCRE8.x is end-of-life)) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:44 Ticket #401 (add Brotli compression support for Apache) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:44 Ticket #402 (add Jansson compression for JSON data, with Apache) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:42 Ticket #403 (add missing SpatiaLite-tools utilities) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:41 Ticket #404 (add support for HTTP/2 to the cURL tools) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:39 Ticket #406 (upgrade GIFLIB to 5.2.2 security release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:39 Ticket #407 (upgrade to Mapbender 4.0.0 release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:37 Ticket #410 (set custom dll name for PROJ) closed by
- fixed: Done through the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:36 Ticket #411 (upgrade to Visual Studio 2022 environment) closed by
- fixed: Done through the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:36 Ticket #412 (upgrade to MrSID SDK 9.5.5) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
- 13:35 Ticket #413 (upgrade uriparser to 0.9.8 security release) closed by
- fixed: Available in the MS4W 5.0 release: https://ms4w.com/download.html
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.