{6} All MS4W Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (404 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (201 - 300 of 404)

1 2 3 4 5

4.0.2 release (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Modified
#232 upgrade Mapbender to release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.1 task major 2019-11-20
#236 upgrade to GDAL 2.4.3 release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.1 task critical 2019-12-19
#239 upgrade to GEOS 3.8.0 release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.1 task major 2019-12-19
#234 upgrade to GeoMoose 3.4.0 release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.1 task major 2019-11-20
#238 upgrade to NetCDF 4.7.3 release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.1 task major 2019-12-19
#240 upgrade to OpenLayers 6.x MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.1 task major 2019-11-20
#233 upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1d release MS4W - Base closed fixed 4.0.1 task major 2019-12-19
#244 upgrade to PHP 7.2.26 release MS4W - PHP closed fixed 4.0.1 task critical 2019-12-19
#237 upgrade to libTIFF 4.1.0 release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.1 task major 2021-05-01
#217 upgrade to pycsw 2.4.0 release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.0 task major 2019-12-19

4.0.3 release (7 matches)

#229 ZOO-Project frontend on ms4w MS4W - Tools closed fixed 4.0.0 enhancement enhancement 2020-01-31
#250 add --with-chunk-cache-size=67108864 for NetCDF build MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.2 defect major 2020-01-31
#246 add PDAL_DRIVER_PATH to setenv.bat MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.2 enhancement enhancement 2020-01-31
#203 upgrade to Matomo 3.9.1 MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.0 task minor 2020-01-31
#252 upgrade to PHP 7.2.27 security release MS4W - PHP closed fixed 4.0.2 task major 2020-01-31
#253 upgrade to pycsw 2.4.2 release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.2 defect major 2020-01-31
#249 upgrade to upcoming GDAL 2.4.4 release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.2 task major 2020-01-31

4.0.4 release (15 matches)

#260 add .php7 as file extension for PHP MS4W - PHP closed fixed 4.0.3 enhancement minor 2020-06-30
#254 add Python commands to upgrade pip, install from pip, to README_INSTALL.txt MS4W - Documentation closed fixed 4.0.3 enhancement trivial 2020-06-30
#267 missing NetCDF build options for GDAL MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.3 defect blocker 2020-06-30
#274 point to updated HTTPS steps for client in README MS4W - Documentation closed fixed 4.0.3 task minor 2020-06-30
#261 pycsw drive letter path configurations MS4W - Base closed fixed 4.0.3 defect minor 2020-06-30
#256 upgrade Mapbender package to release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.3 task major 2020-02-06
#263 upgrade curl to 7.71.0 MS4W - Base closed fixed 4.0.3 task critical 2020-06-30
#269 upgrade to Apache httpd 2.4.43 release MS4W - Apache closed fixed 4.0.3 task critical 2020-06-30
#264 upgrade to GEOS 3.8.1 release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.3 task major 2020-06-30
#272 upgrade to GeoMoose 3.6.1 release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.3 task major 2020-05-29
#271 upgrade to MapServer 7.6.0 release MS4W - MapServer closed fixed 4.0.3 task critical 2020-06-30
#265 upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1g release MS4W - Base closed fixed 4.0.3 task critical 2020-06-30
#268 upgrade to PDAL 2.1 release MS4W - Tools closed fixed 4.0.3 task major 2020-06-30
#259 upgrade to PHP 7.2.31 release MS4W - PHP closed fixed 4.0.3 task critical 2020-06-30
#270 upgrade to Python 3.7.8 release MS4W - Base closed fixed 4.0.3 task critical 2020-06-30

4.0.5 release (28 matches)

#297 add libTIFF commandline utilities MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.4 enhancement minor 2020-12-17
#298 add mention of Notepad++ syntax file, into the README MS4W - Documentation closed fixed 4.0.4 task trivial 2020-12-17
#283 change doc link in README-geotiff.txt MS4W - Documentation closed fixed 4.0.4 defect trivial 2020-12-17
#287 change driver link for Spatialite MS4W - Documentation closed fixed 4.0.4 task trivial 2020-12-17
#289 fix formatting of local.map MS4W - Base closed fixed 4.0.4 defect trivial 2020-12-17
#290 point to new website for win-acme in README MS4W - Documentation closed fixed 4.0.4 enhancement trivial 2020-12-17
#262 pycsw mod_wsgi vs CGI MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.3 defect critical 2020-12-17
#285 python error when multiple pythons installed MS4W - Python closed fixed 4.0.4 defect major 2020-12-17
#293 update link in README for osm2pgsql MS4W - Documentation closed fixed 4.0.4 task trivial 2020-12-17
#281 upgrade Apache to 2.4.46 release MS4W - Apache closed fixed 4.0.4 task major 2020-12-17
#303 upgrade MapCache to latest master MS4W - MapCache closed fixed 4.0.4 task critical 2020-12-17
#280 upgrade PHP to recent 7.2.33 release MS4W - PHP closed wontfix 4.0.4 task major 2020-11-23
#302 upgrade TinyOWS package to latest/master MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.4 task major 2020-12-17
#279 upgrade cURL to recent 7.74.0 release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.4 task critical 2020-12-17
#295 upgrade libiconv to 1.16 MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.4 task major 2020-12-17
#294 upgrade libjpeg-turbo to 2.0.6 release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.4 task major 2020-12-17
#215 upgrade to Fribidi 1.0.10 release MS4W - MapServer closed fixed 4.0.0 task major 2020-12-17
#277 upgrade to Mapbender 3.2.2 release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.4 task major 2020-12-17
#296 upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1i (HIGH level) security release MS4W - Base closed fixed 4.0.4 task critical 2020-12-17
#243 upgrade to PHP 7.4.x series MS4W - PHP closed fixed 4.0.1 task critical 2020-12-17
#291 upgrade to PostgreSQL 13.1 support MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.4 task major 2020-12-17
#282 upgrade to Python 3.7.9 MS4W - Python closed wontfix 4.0.4 task major 2020-11-23
#245 upgrade to Python 3.9.x series MS4W - Python closed fixed 4.0.1 task critical 2020-12-17
#286 upgrade to SQLite 3.34.0 release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.4 task major 2020-12-17
#301 upgrade to osm2pgsql 1.4.0 release MS4W - Base closed fixed 4.0.4 defect major 2020-12-17
#300 upgrade to pycsw 2.6.0 release MS4W - Packages closed fixed 4.0.4 task major 2020-12-17
#299 upgrade to upcoming GEOS 3.9.0 release MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 4.0.4 task major 2020-12-17
#288 upgrade to upcoming OpenSSL 1.1.1h release MS4W - Apache closed wontfix 4.0.4 task major 2020-12-11

5.0.0 release (40 matches)

#317 Add "Securing your MS4W Installation" section to the README MS4W - Base new 4.0.5 defect blocker 2021-10-20
#136 Add GDAL profile demo as part of ZOO-Project package MS4W - Packages new 3.2.2 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#45 Add MongoDB driver to GDAL build MS4W - GDAL new 3.1.2 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#20 Add desktop shortcut for Safari users (during setup.exe install) MS4W - Base closed wontfix 3.1.0 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#64 Add libLAS package MS4W - Packages new 3.1.4 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#255 Add librasterlite2 support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.3 task major 2021-10-20
#99 Add logos to docs (Apache, PHP,...) MS4W - Documentation new 3.1.4 enhancement enhancement 2021-10-20
#170 Add ogr support for DWG format MS4W - GDAL new 3.2.7 enhancement enhancement 2021-10-20
#371 Add php imagick module MS4W - PHP new 4.0.5 enhancement enhancement 2022-02-25
#320 Additional XSS protection for the usage of SVG files? MS4W - Apache new 4.0.5 enhancement critical 2021-10-20
#54 Apache mod rewrite httpd.conf issue MS4W - Apache closed fixed 3.1.3 defect minor 2021-10-20
#2 Esri's FileGDB SDK not available for MSVC 2015 compiler MS4W - GDAL closed fixed 3.1.0-beta4 defect minor 2021-10-20
#59 Feedback: Setup.exe should allow using local zip or proxy MS4W - Nullsoft Installer new 3.1.4 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#61 Feedback: countries layer of OpenLayers3 demo not appearing in Firefox MS4W - Packages new 3.1.4 defect major 2021-10-20
#318 Point to updated homepage in shp2tile README MS4W - Base new 4.0.5 defect trivial 2021-10-20
#3 SVG Symbol Support for MapServer MS4W - MapServer closed fixed 3.1.0-beta4 defect major 2021-10-20
#28 Update setenv.bat for Windows "PowerShell" MS4W - Base new 3.1.0 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#354 ZOO-Project 1.8dev app currently broken MS4W - Packages new 4.0.5 defect major 2021-10-20
#275 add Apache stop and start scripts MS4W - Apache new 4.0.3 task trivial 2021-10-20
#401 add Brotli compression support for Apache MS4W - Apache new 4.0.5 task major 2023-07-28
#375 add CONNECTION pooling for local.map MS4W - Base new 4.0.5 enhancement minor 2022-04-25
#390 add Crypto++ support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-05-22
#330 add Esri LERC compression plugin for GeoTIFF MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2021-10-20
#366 add FTS5 extension (full text search through virtual tables) for SQLite MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2022-02-10
#258 add GeoPandas package MS4W - Python new 4.0.3 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#210 add HTML Legend demo to packages MS4W - Packages new 4.0.0 task major 2021-10-20
#402 add Jansson compression for JSON data, with Apache MS4W - Apache new 4.0.5 task major 2023-07-28
#266 add KEA format to GDAL build MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.3 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#387 add LZ4 compression library MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-02-19
#307 add LuaJIT to osm2pgsql build MS4W - Tools new 4.0.5 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#247 add NITF, E57 plugins for PDAL MS4W - Packages new 4.0.2 enhancement major 2021-10-20
#362 add OGDI support for GDAL MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2021-12-02
#363 add OpenEXR raster format MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2021-12-24
#325 add PostGIS steps to README for pycsw MS4W - Documentation new 4.0.5 task minor 2021-10-20
#391 add QHULL support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-05-22
#200 add Rotatelogs steps to readme MS4W - Apache new 4.0.0 enhancement enhancement 2021-10-20
#394 add SOSI support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-05-27
#393 add TileDB support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-05-27
#359 add WebP raster image support MS4W - GDAL new 4.0.5 task major 2023-09-19
#360 add demo links to GeoMoose app on localhost MS4W - Packages new 4.0.5 task major 2021-11-12
1 2 3 4 5
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